Any opinions on my medieval models that I’m planning on using for a low-poly showcase?
Looks really clean!
I love the style and color scheme going on.
Everything matches.
Hopefully your able to capitalize on all of these assets and make a beautiful map out of it
Very clean and well polished builds. If you decide to sell this as a pack I reckon you will get a few thousand for all of them.
For myself, I don’t like low poly all too much but I think this looks pretty good.
Colors look super refreshing. Love the choice of the colors. Build is simplistic and ‘cute’. Good job!
It is quite beautiful and simple, unique, but it takes a lot of effort, right, think carefully before using it in the game you will do. The bright future is waiting for you.
Pretty nice, were these made with a 3D modelling application like Blender?
Hmm I don’t like low poly but it looks pretty nice.
I really like what you have built, the build is simplistic yet complex at the same time? It’s hard to explain but a very nice build overall, 10/10
I can’t really find anything wrong with these models, they are super well made.
Nice skills! You stuff are pretty good I like them Maybe just make village to showcase with 4 types of building to get more tasks!
Personally I think these models are great looking while also having some other benefits of being simple and low poly, three key attributes of good builds.
It’s very pleasant to look at, and I feel that you should have an easy time selling these (if you do decide to sell them).
Love the style, keep it up!
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These looks honestly incredible!
My suggestion though if you want to make this into a really good showcase, is definitely take some time to do some color correction and lighting effects.
I see you have a lot of Orange stuff, maybe try to apply a orange brightness color and dark blue dark color!