Opinions on this new lobby?

It’s here. The new lobby is here.
And full mobile support!!
Any ideas where I could advertise my game? I tried Twitter, YT Shorts, YT Videos. I will sponsorship only when all the games are released, as I will be wasting ALL my robux on it and I don’t want to waste any yet.
As of now I’m only looking for free ways.


PS: i hate tiktok so much i barely could force myself to make an account, but i really don’t want to post there unless there’s no other option. alas, if the majority of you suggest i use it, i guess i will.


look whare nice, good luke! { Optimize for phone too:) }


it is optimized for phone , dw
although im not sure about the scrollbars, but maybe thats just how studio phone simulator handles them, (they were a bit weird to use with mouse)
do you have any ideas where i could advertise my game?

well Tik tok or Instagram { i don’t use tik tok,instagram}, show some memes And Gameplay,


Instead of a scrollbar, I’d just use a left/right button which is incremented by 3 or something, so hitting it just moves to show the remaining cards.


why make it more complicated when you can just add a scrollbar though?

Why add this moment when Roblox has everything for this feature?

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Because they are weird to use with a mouse, you said lol

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Why try to make this moment at all, the player will not care, I’m sure of it

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with a mouse while having the phone simulation in studio.
not with a mouse in general. read the whole sentence please.

Try Use “UICorner” And “UIGradiant”

for what?

In UiCorner icons, UiGradient to text and background

The lobby looks very good.

I suggest advertising on EVERY SINGLE social media platform there is. YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok. They’re all free to post on, and you have to do as much as you can if you want people to notice anything you create.

I recommend focusing on advertising your game on Twitter though, the majority of the Roblox developer community uses it, and it’s just easy to use for everyone. You should still use other social media platforms to advertise your game, but focus on Twitter advertising by posting videos, pictures, and updates about your game.


But you left out one fact, effective advertising and if you use YouTube or Twitter and Instagram, then you need a lot of subscribers, this is big problem.

oooh! i haven’t heard twitter yet! i am already advertising it on twitter with every update, such as on youtube by posting videos AND shorts about it.
on twitter i use the #robloxdev #robloxstudio #fnaf tags, although it doesn’t seem to work that well. the most well i’ve seen it work was on youtube shorts.
would tiktok really work that well? because i guess i will push myself to upload there if it does. (and by that i mean at least 200 views per video posted)

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In my opinion, Tiktok is BY FAR the best platform to advertise yourself on, you just need to use tags wisely and know how to structure your content (ALWAYS give out the big info in the first five seconds, that way users keep watching the video and the algorithm will assume people are interested in what you’re posting, thus feeding it to an even bigger audience). You can easily go viral, and by that, I mean over thousands of views (you don’t know how many dev blogs like “Day 1 of developing my game!” have gotten even millions of views and likes).

And if you happen to “flop”, you will still get at least 1k+ views, so you can slowly build yourself a solid player base over time until you go viral (as I said, it’s not that hard to go viral, so it’s a win-win situation).

Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube are harder to work with as a beginner since they rely greatly on subscribers or followers, so I’d use those as a portfolio/gallery/dev blog instead (Also considering Twitter’s current downhill situation, becoming each day a more pay-to-win app cough).