Hello! I am Landon. I would like some feedback and pieces of criticism for this UI, logo and banner I have made.

Thanks so much!
I am for hire
Hello! I am Landon. I would like some feedback and pieces of criticism for this UI, logo and banner I have made.
Thanks so much!
I am for hire
Hey Landon, i wanna say these UI Designs are amazing and truly unique. However, in my opinion im not such a fan of the Pets UI, it has a blocky design and looks rushed, maybe thats just me but i feel like you should have the same style as the Shop UI as it kind of looks like the odd one out. Overall, brilliant work!
theyre just basic and the same ordinary type of ui.
ill be honest, it wont enough for people to hire you.
maybe add some depth and more detail? like some pets behind it on whatever
Thank you so much for your feedback! I appreciate it. I agree with your statement.
Thank you for your suggestions. The pet one was just a mockup.
These UIs and graphics look very good! Nice job on them!
thanks so much! If you would like to purchase some, I am for hire