Opinions on UI / GUI?

I made this and I think it needs some improvements…
(I’m new here and this is my first post, sorry if I did the category wrong.)


Looks alright. Personally I’d avoid the font used here, and I’d also keep to one or two basic colors. You might want to consider a darker background, and you can use a lighter color for the lettering.


Looks pretty good to me, although I do have a few suggestions.

~ Keep the font size consistent: the title and heading’s alright, but your font size seems to keep increasing and decreasing in size - especially the buttons to the left side.
~ I don’t really think the Hello & bit is necessary, I think you’d be okay with just simply Welcome to...
~ I recommend adding a border around the exit button; I think it’ll look a lot nicer and mesh better with the background in my opinion.

But these’re just my thoughts. :slight_smile:


The general concept of it is good, just needs a few thing redone in my opinion -

  • Consistent text sizes
  • Less cramped
  • Different font, the current one doesn’t fit the modern style

I think that the consistent text sizes is the most important in this list, it makes it look cleaner and just generally better. For example, the buttons on the left have text touching the sides which makes it look less appealing, plus the “Developers & Helpers” part is super small compared to the rest of them. I recommend changing it to something like “Credits” and the “Who is KenzieLucyIcey” part to something like “About”.


Only suggestion I have is to keep the colors for your UI more consistent. Try to establish 2-3 colors for the theme of the UI and stick with it! :smiley:

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I like it, personally I like the look of cartoony ui’s. But being in past roleplay groups this would fit perfectly. But as people said before I would try and work on the font work and fize sizes. You always want to look for consistency in a ui or anything for that matter.

Hope this helped!

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