On my game Greenville, the game tends to not StreamOut parts of the map, even though opportunistic is active. This has been happening randomly for a week or so+ and has not been fixed. This decreases FPS in the game significantly due to this bug when it occurs.
(System info: Windows 11 Desktop PC with i7 8700K/32GB RAM/RTX 3080)
Are you able to narrow down a bit more when this started occurring? Is there anything specific to the instances that are not being streamed out? Any different characteristics vs things that are? Or is it entire areas and everything in them that doesn’t stream out? Did anything change in the place that could be related?
It started to occur around March 9th of an early bug report we got, but it increased intensity more around our past update on monday/tuesday. No instances, parts, or meshes on the map are being streamed out when it bugs out and becomes disabled for the player and it all stays loaded in and nothing at all streams out. I’m not sure exactly would cause that to happen, we have added in new features into the game and buildings, we have a lot of total mesh and parts in the place in workspace.
Here is the one bug report we got around then, I’m not sure exactly when it started though past this, and at the time of the post we changed nothing to the game around the 9th.
It happens equally as often on all, mostly PC/Mobile I have seen reports of as thats most of the userbase, but I presume it occurs on Xbox Consoles as well. Around 10% or more of the time would be about right so it isnt very frequent. It also happens more frequently and is more likely on larger server player counts than lower counts that I’ve seen. As well as it breaks when you join, and if you drive down the map a bit it will not de-load the spawn area of the map at all when it breaks.
(Edit) I also was able to get a session where it occurred for me, I had it happen even when I rejoined the same session.
Thanks for the updates. I’ve been trying to reproduce the problem myself without success so far. I’ve been joining servers with larger player counts. Any other suggestions on things to try are welcome.
Possibly as well as lower internet speeds, or faking the speeds to lower MBPS, or even on mobile data or similar could help reproduce it possibly(?) I wouldn’t be sure if that causes it or would benefit on attempting to have it occur. Just an idea that could possibly work for it, as usually issues arise when users don’t have a good internet connection with streaming, which could have impacts on Stream-Out breaking on join.
It may also occur with high ping servers as well, if that could cause issues with it starting Opportunistic Streaming.
I’ll try some other ways or get it to occur again for myself, and see how often I can get it to occur or if theres any specific ways to do so. I’ll edit the message if I do find any other ones or add on a reply of findings if there are any.
Okay so I figured out how you can find out when it has a higher chance of happening, it’s specifically when your game takes a long time to load, even on higher end connections. (After pressing the play button in game.) Then the Opportunistic Stream-Out will not work in that server for yourself, no matter if you rejoin the game or not. I assume it also tends to effect higher ping servers or higher memory usage ones, which is why I mentioned the full server idea.
I do not believe all players receive the issue at once in a session if it happens to one, but I am not positive as I have not tested, if it happens again I will check it out and see with having someone join myself if needed.