Hi! I am making a Military Roleplay game and I have found some monetization strategy’s. One of those strategy’s includes Developer Products. In my game you would use the in game currency to buy one-life weapons. I don’t know how to price the dev Products per amount of currency. Since the average one life gun will cost 300-1200 dollars I was thinking of selling the currency as follows:
I do not know if these are good prices. I am trying to keep it balanced so that not only rich people get it but not so low everyone is buying it except for the person who is free to play. In the game you also earn 100 every 5 miniutes so I need to take this into account.
Bottom Line
If you have some good prices for the in game currency please let me know so I don’t over or under monetize my game or make it feel pay to win.
100-300 robux for one life weapon seems overpriced. Considering how easy is to get killed in military roleplays I would suggest around 4-10x increase in amount per robux.
Let me tell you my three most profitable dev products (not going to give how much they have made as I would rather keep that confidential)
75R$ - this is a pet egg which gives exclusive pets.
150R$ - Opens aforementioned egg 3 times.
5000R$ - Gives best pet in the game.
While the scenario is different to yours all I would recommend is make it feel like a good deal, make it good to buy multiple times in the same sitting, and be brave with price variation!
Thats good, just have one which gives an unnecessary amount you would never need for a very high price since at the end of the day 7yr olds dont think before they press buy.
What you should do is that you first figure out, how much robux are they supposed to ‘earn’ from playing your game? For example, playing jailbreak for 15 minutes, you earn x amount of robux.
That is not what I meant :P… Figure out how much time spent in your game is worth in robux. And then you can think of the most expensive gun. How long should it take to play in your game, in order to get that gun.