Optimization Issue ( Sinking Ship )

Hello! I had a problem. I need some help with optimization. I don’t know how to sink my ship (quite large) without lags. I tried a bunch of ways: streaming, between parts, turning off physics, moving the entire model instead of individual parts.
None of these methods helped. The ship was sinking at 20-30 fps.
The model was made quite optimized with about 1 million polygons. 50/50 made out of parts and meshes


Well, you know… 1 mil parts isn’t too “optimized”. I would try to cut down to somewhere like 100k polys, even with this amount it’s gonna lag on mobile.

OR try to replace all of your parts with meshes, bc parts are just bad, don’t use 'em.

The Titanic has about 5 million sucks and yet everything sinks in a stable and optimized manner. I would like to get rid of the lags on my computer for now, because now it’s 30 fps

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As I stated in my previous post, you NEED to optimize your WHOLE MODEL. Remove faces, that aren’t visible by the player, for some bevel/cylinder parts just decease the face count, don’t subdivide AT ALL. In 2 words, make from 5 mil polys to somewhere 100k

There is nothing superfluous in this model. The highest optimization level I could get was 500k, but then the ship looked very empty and uninteresting. He looked like an unfinished model
I know that the fewer polygons the better, I always try to build in an optimized way, but the point here is that the model is large and even if they do everything as optimized as possible, it still turns out if it’s not a million, it’s very close to it
Also, almost all complex and large parts were replaced with meshes

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