Optimization tips?

Hello fellow devforum users! I have been recently making a game that so far, I am extremely proud of! The only problem is it’s horrible performance. Has an average ping of around 125-175. But it often gravitates towards 175(it’s highest is roughly 1180 ping). Like at random moments the ping will have a HUGE spike making the UX worse. So if you could give me some optimization tips that would help the ping stay at around 75-100 that’d be amazing! All help is appreciated!

Correct me if this is the wrong category.

I found this in an older post, but it’s building. Not sure if this is what you are after but here you go:

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Thanks for the help! Hopefully the pig goes down now.

Edit: yeha it was mainly a build issue. Dropped my ping from 123-175 to 100(these are mobile averages) and on pc the average is 30-45ms. I also removed scripts that could have been combined into one singular script.

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