I recently spent a few thousand robux advertising my group-based game called Seal’s Kingdom. My ad campaign is still in progress, but currently has a cost per play of .02 per player currently which is about 5.7 robux. If half of the players join the group, I’m paying 11.4 robux per member, which is crazily high and unsustainable. What age group, country, and device should I be targeting? For reference, 57% of my players are from the US and 12.5% are from the UK. 38% are 18+, 18.6% are 13-17, 23.9% are between 9 and 12, and 20.6% are below 9. My game is mostly played on tablet, then PC, then Iphone. What do you guys suggest to approve this rate and make continuing advertising more realistic? Here is the game if you are curious.
You can literally set the cost per play in the new Ad Manager. That’s what maximum bid is for. If you set it to $0.01 that’s what you’re gonna pay for play and it should work fine on mobile audiences.
Not sure why are you counting player value using group members, because I doubt that 5% of new players will join the group, let alone 50%.
I was told that winning bids for my requested audience are typically no less than .02, so that sucks that I assumed that was accurate. Also, I am counting player value by group members since ranking up in the group is the main point of the game. If you aren’t in the group all you can do is wander around in the lobby. Maybe I’ll try bidding .01 for PC users next time I advertise since a lot of the players that joined mindlessly roamed around for 20 seconds and then left despite the tutorial telling them that they had to join the group to progress and it giving a description of how to join groups.
That is accurate. But it’s also a recommendation and targetted at advertisers who care about burning through the large amounts of credits during their campaign. Setting that number low for competitive platform (like desktop) might not spend your budget fully (you get a refund). You can also stop your campaign and get a partial refund too.
Doesn’t sound like a very good idea, but I don’t really play these kind of games, so there might be an audience for that. Good luck explaining that to random players who sometimes can barely read
Group games are notoriously hard to get an audience for, but it is possible even at a large scale. I know one called Kavra’s Kingdom which reached over 1k concurrent players, many of which were younger. The tutorial I added a half a year ago helped, but it’s just text so I’ll try implementing more visuals such as an image explaining how to join the group as well as making arrows that point you to the desks of the workers. I’ll also reduce distractions in the lobby. There’s not much I can do for players too young to read, but that age group isn’t a profitable playerbase anyways since they won’t even understand what the gamepasses do. Back on the topic of advertising though being patient and just bidding lower is fine for a game my size, thanks for the help.
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