Optimizing Unit Targeting in Roblox with a Swarm Module

Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games on the Roblox platform often face challenges when it comes to unit targeting, especially when there are a large number of units involved.

Imagine a situation below where you have your N=1 unit (blue) and there are M=13 enemy units (red) all around the map.

Figure 1

To calculate which is the closest enemy unit in range you would need to perform 13 distance calculations because you don’t know until you perform the distance calculation that the units outside of the target range are actually outside of the target range.

This can quickly become CPU-intensive as the number of distance calculations would grow proportionally to the number of friendly and enemy units leading to N * M distance calculations resulting in performance issues.

In this article, we will discuss how to create and implement a Swarm module in Roblox Lua to optimize compute-intensive tasks for an incremental amount of memory usage.

Efficient Unit Targeting Using a Swarm Module

A Swarm module is designed to coarsely track units based on their position, allowing for more efficient target selection by reducing the number of distance calculations required.

Instead of performing a distance calculation from every friendly unit to every enemy unit on the map, we can coarsely place every unit into a cell (Fig 2) and track units as they move between cells:

Figure 2

From there, when we are trying to find the nearest enemy unit, we run a search starting from the same cell as the friendly unit (Fig 3), and then expanding out in a concentric grid (Fig 4)

Fig 3: Search the friendly unit cell first

Fig 4: Search outwardly in an expanding concentric cube

In the example above, we’re able to reduce the number of distance calculations from 13 to 3, a 77% improvement!

Implementing a Swarm Module in Lua

Here’s an example implementation of the Swarm module in Roblox Lua:

module = {}

local cellSize = nil
module.cells = {}
module.unitToCell = {}

module.CELL_X = 1
module.CELL_Y = 2
module.CELL_Z = 3

-- Set the size of your swarm module
function module.setCellSize(cellSize)
    if cellSize == nil then
        warn("Cell size has already been set and will not set again")

    module.cellSize = cellSize

function module.calculateCell(unit)
    if module.cellSize == nil then
        error("You haven't called setCellSize() yet")

    local pivot = unit:GetPivot()

    local x = math.floor(pivot.Position.X / module.cellSize)
    local y = math.floor(pivot.Position.Y / module.cellSize)
    local z = math.floor(pivot.Position.Z / module.cellSize)

    return {x, y, z}

-- Convert a cell array to a key
function cellToKey(cell)
    return tostring(cell[module.CELL_X]) .. "," .. tostring(cell[module.CELL_Y]) .. "," .. tostring(cell[module.CELL_Z])

function module.deleteUnitFromCell(unit, cell)
    local key = cellToKey(cell)
    for index, value in ipairs(module.cells[key]) do
        if value == unit then
            indexToDelete = index

    if indexToDelete then
        table.remove(module.cells[key], indexToDelete)

function module.deleteUnit(unit)
    local cell = module.unitToCell[unit]
    if cell == nil then

    module.deleteUnitFromCell(unit, cell)
    module.unitToCell[unit] = nil


function module.updateUnitCell(unit)
    local previousCell = module.unitToCell[unit]
    local currentCell = module.calculateCell(unit)

    if previousCell then
        if previousCell[1] == currentCell[1] and 
            previousCell[2] == currentCell[2] and 
            previousCell[3] == currentCell[3] then

        module.deleteUnitFromCell(unit, previousCell)

    local key = cellToKey(currentCell)
    if module.cells[key] == nil then 
        module.cells[key] = {}
    table.insert(module.cells[key], unit)
    module.unitToCell[unit] = currentCell

-- Function to find the closest unit that takes in an originUnit, the distance of cells to search, a comparsion function and a filter function you don't want to find friendly unit
function module.findClosestUnit(originUnit, searchRange, compareFunc, filterFunc)
    if module.cellSize == nil then
        error("Cell size not set. Call setCellSize() first.")
        return nil

    local originCell = module.calculateCell(originUnit)
    local closestUnit = nil
    local closestDistance = nil

    -- Function to check and update the closest unit
    local function checkAndUpdateClosestUnit(unit)
        if not filterFunc(unit) then
            local distance = compareFunc(originUnit, unit)
            if closestDistance == nil or closestDistance > distance then
                closestDistance = distance
                closestUnit = unit

    -- Loop through an outwardly expanding concentric cube
    for range = 0, searchRange do
        local foundInThisLayer = false

        -- Iterate over the cube's outer layer
        for x = originCell[module.CELL_X] - range, originCell[module.CELL_X] + range do
            for y = originCell[module.CELL_Y] - range, originCell[module.CELL_Y] + range do
                for z = originCell[module.CELL_Z] - range, originCell[module.CELL_Z] + range do
                    -- Only process cells on the outer layer, because we would have already search the inner cube
                    if x == originCell[module.CELL_X] - range or x == originCell[module.CELL_X] + range or
                       y == originCell[module.CELL_Y] - range or y == originCell[module.CELL_Y] + range or
                       z == originCell[module.CELL_Z] - range or z == originCell[module.CELL_Z] + range then

                        local key = cellToKey({x, y, z})
                        local cellUnits = module.cells[key]
                        if cellUnits then
                            for _, unit in ipairs(cellUnits) do
                                foundInThisLayer = true

        -- If a closer unit was found in this layer, we can exit early since the only closer unit
        -- would've been in the inner cube
        if foundInThisLayer and closestUnit then

    return closestUnit

return module

And how to use the SwarmModule:

SwarmModule = require(workspace.SwarmModule)

--Before using the swarm module you have to set the cell size in studs
--This is specific to your Experience and you would need to 

-- a. When a unit is spawned you must set the position in the swarm

--b. When a unit is moving you should set its new position in the swarm
--   For compute efficiency, you can reduce how often this runs at th
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local cellUpdateTime = 0

local function updateUnitPositions()
    local currentTime = tick()
    if cellUpdateTime < currentTime then
        cellUpdateTime = currentTime + UPDATE_FREQUENCY_IN_SECONDS
        for unit in workspace.Units:GetChildren() do


-- c. When a unit dies you need to delete that unit from the swarm


local function filterFunc(unit)
    local result = false
    if unit:GetAttribute("Team") == "RED" then
        result = true

    return result

local function getPivotDistance(unit1, unit2)
    local pivot1 = unit1:GetPivot()
    local pivot2 = unit2:GetPivot()

    -- Get the position vectors of the pivots
    local pos1 = pivot1.Position
    local pos2 = pivot2.Position

    -- Calculate the distance between the two positions
    local distance = (pos1 - pos2).Magnitude

    return distance

-- Knowing the size of your cell and the range of your target you can calculate how many cells away from the unit you will have to check
-- the range of cells is -cellsInRange to +cellsInRange in all dimensions of (x, y, z)
local cellRadiusInRange = math.ceil(unit:GetAttribute("Range") / SwarmModule.cellSize)

SwarmModule.findClosestUnit(unit, cellRadiusInRange, getPivotDistance, filterFunc)

Final Thoughts

RTS games on Roblox can be complex and require an efficient use of computational resources to keep performance high.

By implementing Swarm modules for tracking units, we can optimize compute-intensive tasks like target selection for increased memory usage.

Through cell-based tracking, we reduce the number of distance calculations required, thereby improving overall game performance and providing a better gaming experience for players.

For a more advanced solution, you can look at using a Dynamic Octree System.


Octree by Quenty is the solution. Even DOORS uses it for something, I think.

Case is very specific.


The tutorial that I want is anything that is related to _“showing what makes a game lag” and then “how to solve it”.

e.g. Part and Physics and Replication and Network Delay

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Octree by Quenty is the solution. Even DOORS uses it for something, I think.

Octrees dont make much sense for RTS’es which usually only have movement on two axis.

What does the term RTS mean in this context?

RTS = Real-time Strategy

There are many other problems that could be solved with Memory vs CPU tradeoffs using similar techniques.

Hello, it’s nice to see Roblox admins finally looking into the performance issues of rts games (next tutorial should be about unit movement systems that use velocity optimizations). However, I’m pretty sure RenderStepped cannot be used in server scripts, why are you trying to over-complicate a loop that runs every second?

Would the worldroot querying method be worse or better than than chunk/cell based querying method?

For example, using GetPartBoundsInRadius with the overlap param set to retrieve only the HumanoidRootPart of each model.

  1. set each model’s humanoid root part to a “HumanoidRootPart” collision group
  2. use set the overlap param to only target that collision group
  3. query nearby area for parts within range

Normally I think the chunk/cell based method/octree win out but the worldroot method has the advantage of being run in C++.

Which approach is generally more recommended for swarm behavior?

1 Like

I’m not familiar enough with GetPartBoundsInRadius to comment on that.

The cell based strategy would work for other things like Buildings your unit might want to target that don’t have a HumanoidRootPart.

Which approach is generally more recommended for swarm behavior?

The answer usually ends up as - it depends - each approach has positives and negatives and tuning the hyper parameters like cell size could increase or decrease performance.

It’s also like it might not matter or be good enough, for now, where you get to acceptable performance with low effort and can move on to do more stuff that could be of higher value to your users and then come back and upgrade that area if you really need higher levels of performance.