Hello! I’m wondering what my options are for securing a localized module script. Basically, what I’m doing is having all of a player’s stats in a module script that the player controls (I know – bad idea, but for good reason). I can’t make the stats on the serverside because they update with framerate. They update at 60fps because they’re based on modifiers (like adding and subtracting within a given timeframe) and tween interfaces based off of those modifiers. The server will use a remote function to ask what the client set these values to when needed (the server doesn’t need this information very often so remote functions should not be a problem with performance).
My worry is that an exploiter will just change something by requiring the modulescript like looping their health to it’s max value or changing another value. What are my options to secure this system?
The client updates a modulescript with stats at framerate (it’s important the client does it). The server requests the client info when needed. How can I keep exploiters from changing values in the modulescript?