I recently was making a datastore and it was using string values to overcome the inter limit for IntValues, and formatting it for the leaderstats.
However, when a new player joins instead of taking the Default values from the table, it just returns an Index nil error ignoring the “or” statement to take from the Default value from the table
Screenshot of example error
--// Services //--
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
--// Variables //--
local Store = DataStore:GetDataStore("Merge_Test_1")
--// Data Store //--
local function saveData(plr, plrstats)
local dataToSave = {}
warn("Saving Data....")
for _, data in pairs(plrstats:GetChildren()) do
dataToSave[data.Name] = data.Value
Store:SetAsync(plr.UserId, dataToSave)
warn("Data Saved!")
local suffixes = {'','K','M','B','T','Qd','Qn','SX','Sp','O','N','de','Ud','DD','tdD','qdD','QnD','sxD','SpD','OcD','NvD','Vgn','UVg','DVg','TVg','qtV','QnV','SeV','SPG','OVG','NVG','TGN','UTG','DTG','tsTG','qtTG','QnTG','ssTG','SpTG','OcTG','NoAG','UnAG','DuAG','TeAG','QdAG','QnAG','SxAG','SpAG','OcAG','NvAG','CT'}
local function format(val)
local numberedval = tonumber(val)
for i=1, #suffixes do
if numberedval < 10^(i*3) then
return tostring(math.floor(numberedval/((10^((i-1)*3))/100))/(100)..suffixes[i])
--// Function //--
local success, plrSaves = pcall(function()
return Store:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
if not success then plr:Kick("Data didn't load") warn("Data failed to load for "..plr.Name) end
local plrSaves = plrSaves
local deafualt = {
["Money"] = 0,
["Gems"] = 0,
["Sword"] = 0,
["PlayerMulti"] = 1,
local Leader = Instance.new("Folder")
Leader.Name = "leaderstatsInt"
Leader.Parent = plr
local Money = Instance.new("StringValue")
Money.Parent = Leader
Money.Name = "Money"
Money.Value = plrSaves["Money"] or deafualt
local Gems = Instance.new("StringValue")
Gems.Parent = Leader
Gems.Name = "Gems"
Gems.Value = plrSaves["Gems"] or deafualt
local Sword = Instance.new("StringValue")
Sword.Parent = Leader
Sword.Name = "Sword"
Sword.Value = plrSaves["Sword"] or deafualt
local PlayerMulti = Instance.new("StringValue")
PlayerMulti.Parent = Leader
PlayerMulti.Name = "PlayerMulti"
PlayerMulti.Value = plrSaves["PlayerMulti"] or deafualt
local LeaderDisplay = Instance.new("Folder")
LeaderDisplay.Name = "leaderstats"
LeaderDisplay.Parent = plr
local MoneyDisplay = Instance.new("StringValue")
MoneyDisplay.Parent = LeaderDisplay
MoneyDisplay.Name = "Money"
MoneyDisplay.Value = plrSaves["Money"] or deafualt
local GemsDisplay = Instance.new("StringValue")
GemsDisplay.Parent = LeaderDisplay
GemsDisplay.Name = "Gems"
GemsDisplay.Value = plrSaves["Gems"] or deafualt
local SwordDisplay = Instance.new("StringValue")
SwordDisplay.Parent = LeaderDisplay
SwordDisplay.Name = "Sword"
SwordDisplay.Value = plrSaves["Sword"] or deafualt
local PlayerMultiDisplay = Instance.new("StringValue")
PlayerMultiDisplay.Parent = LeaderDisplay
PlayerMultiDisplay.Name = "PlayerMulti"
PlayerMultiDisplay.Value = plrSaves["PlayerMulti"] or deafualt
while wait() do
MoneyDisplay.Value = Money.Value
GemsDisplay.Value = Gems.Value
SwordDisplay.Value = Sword.Value
PlayerMultiDisplay.Value = PlayerMulti.Value
MoneyDisplay.Value = format(Money.Value)
GemsDisplay.Value = format(Gems.Value)
SwordDisplay.Value = format(Sword.Value)
PlayerMultiDisplay.Value = format(PlayerMulti.Value)
local plrstats = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstatsInt")
saveData(plr, plrstats)