% or USD | Tiny Toad Games | CLOSED | Mythical Motel

About Tiny Toad Games

Howdy folks! Tiny Toad Games is a small group I started a couple years ago. We’ve published a couple of games in the past but our most recent one is Slime Attack. Our builder is taking a break to try out other hobbies so were in the market for another one. Its just me now since we were a 2 man team.

I am currently working on a project called Mythical Motel. It is a fantasy style game that takes place in a large motel. You will be able to compete with each other in mini games, customize your motel room, participate in events, customize your character, and hangout / roleplay! We will be using Rthro for all the characters as well.

The Team
@Jam_Toad - Everything That’s not Building :laughing:
??? - Builder

Heres some progress so far on what I’ve created! (I don’t know why it wont embed, it usually does.)

I have finished most of the main menu.

I have also almost finished NPC interaction.

I know it doesnt look like much, but it will come together in time.

About The Job

I am looking for a builder who can build simple low poly assets in a fantasy style. They can be created in Studio or in a 3D modeling program.

Heres an example photo of the style. (This doesn’t represent what I would need, its just the style.)


I am open to paying USD per asset via Paypal, a percentage of the revenue, or a combo of both.

I cannot pay in Robux as I am saving what I have left at the moment for ads.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Dev Forum or on Discord via Dirty Dan #1258
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

hey im interested im a builder who can build buildings and houses but not models jailbreak#7767

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