The Accessory Adjustment API was released to us back in October. This allows us to apply Position and Rotation offsets to our accessories, alongside Scale multiplications.
The “Position” adjustment used to be applied onto accessories before “Scale”. And I remember this because making changes to Scale used to offset accessories even further if they had a Position offset defined.
But a few months later - around the start of February - the order of these adjustments being applied was suddenly changed without any notice or warning being given to developers using these APIs. Scale is now applied first (before Position), which completely broke the adjustments of outfits which players have saved in my experience Catalog Avatar Creator.
Thousands of users in my game have had their outfits affected by this, completely ruining their outfits because of this change.
Whilst I do agree that Scale being applied first is better (as it make it not further affect offset), why were we not given a warning about this change being made? And why couldn’t you have made it backwards-compatible? [e.g. have a property which allows us to be able to specify the order of adjustments being applied]