Ordered Data Store Custom Keys


I was wondering if there was a way to use collections such as a dictionary as the value in an ordered data store, and be able to get ordered pages off of certain values in the dictionary. Example below

  local save = {
                    ["Coins"] = player.leaderstats.Coins.Value,
                    ["Gems"] = player.leaderstats.Gems.Value,
                    ["Hatched"] = player.leaderstats.Hatched.Value
                GlobalOrderedDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, save)

If this is what is being saved for each user, is there a way to use this to get the leaderboard for coins, gems, and hatched seperately or do I need to make an ordered data store for each one individually?

OrderedDataStores are only to be used for numerical values (specifically integers) and as such can’t really be used to save user data very well.

If you want a leaderboard for something, then you need to save just that value in the ordered datastore.

Everything else needs to be saved in a normal datastore.