Below is the code I use to fill the inventory with tools for different abilities. (Local script, starterplayerscripts)
-- Give user tools from specific persona
local pTools = game.ReplicatedStorage.PersonaMoveTriggers:FindFirstChild(persona):GetChildren()
for i, tool in pairs(pTools) do
tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
I do it this way so I have a system of dictionaries (above this code segment) set up with all the information, making a “hub” for all the data so I can change it if I have to.
This all works: the problem is that I want the moves to be in a certain order. I checked the folder with the tools where it is being cloned from, and the order is always the same, so it seems like GetChildren() is giving them in a random order? How can I fix this so that it is the same order every time?
You would need to specify the order yourself
(either in a dictionary/array or using attributes)
then sort them
local itemOrder = {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}
table.sort(pTools, function(a, b)
return table.find(itemOrder, a.Name) < table.find(itemOrder, b.Name)
for _, tool in pairs(pTools) do
tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
i suppose you could also use an iterator function but to be fair dunno how you’d do that
The items in the folder are being found in the order they were placed there, regardless of how they appear in the studio or the order in the folder. It’s a bit odd, but that’s what it does. If you pull an item out, place it in terrain, and then put it back in the folder, your pick order will change.
I like to take the whole “folder” and drop it into terrain, then put it back. That fixes both the order and the name order.
you could go by name number like this:
local folder = workspace:WaitForChild("Folder")
for i, _ in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
local itemName = "item" .. string.format("%02d", i)
local item = folder:FindFirstChild(itemName)
if item then
-- item01, item02, item03 exc
or by defined name order like this
local folder = workspace:WaitForChild("Folder")
local itemOrder = {"Part", "Dart", "Tart", "Bart", "Fart"}
for i = 1, #itemOrder do
local itemName = itemOrder[i]
for _, item in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
if item.Name == itemName then
local folder = workspace:WaitForChild("Folder")
local itemOrder = {"Part", "Dart", "Tart", "Bart", "Fart"}
for i, v in itemOrder do
local FoundTool = folder:FindFirstChild(v)
if FoundTool then
local ClonedTool = FoundTool:Clone()
ClonedTool.Parent = Player.Backpack
btw, i dont recommend putting the tools folder in workspace, as tools have physical body “Handle” (unless u disabled that) and it might fall down somewhere to void causing it to disappear in explorer
Ya, I meant terrain… Never had a problem with that. Not sure if i’ve ever done that with tools however.
I was just pointing out how the Studio isn’t showing the pull order as you see it in the folder.