As a developer, I am constantly struggling with several issues because I don’t organize my stuff! (Not finding assets, Workspace getting too large to open without lag, Ect) . And Im here to fix that for me, and for the community.
I present my Organization Pack. This pack is a pack containing a ton of folders for organizing your assets, and keeping your game super clean!
As we can see, there are quite a lot of folders. And thats not all, not even close! A lot of folders have several very specific Folders for assets in them. For examples:
The pack now contains folders for ServerScriptService and ReplicatedStorage! Happy organizing friends!
Ok, because for me, my workspace, ReplicatedStorage, ServerStorage, and StarterPlayerScripts are a TOTAL disaster when it comes to organization. A train wreck is cleaner than my games organization.
Personally, this looks like a “to sort” folder on my desktop that has 10s of other to sort folders and it’s just messy. The key to a clean and organized workspace is not to crap out a bunch of folders within folders but utilize folders on top of keeping the name scheme for models and parts so you know what you’re doing.
It comes in a main folder, and inside has folders named, “Workspace” “ReplicatedStorage” and “ServerScriptService” put all the folders in those folders into the proper service!
It won’t be useful for everyone but those who do better with organizing with pre existing folders could find this helpful. Personally I wouldn’t use it because I use a specific organization method but for those who don’t have one yet, it could help get the ball rolling in using proper organization skills.