Hello, I want to make a unique starter character, and it’s working besides the movement, but the main thing I’m worried about currently, is it faces the wrong way. For example: If I shiftlock, it turns to the right. How can I fix this?
Yes, I have, but that does nothing because I’m changing the orientation. It seems like it thinks the side is the front.
Your HumanoidRootPart is facing the side. Remove the Motor6D of your HRP, create a decal in the model and put the face on Front and then orient it so that the front decal faces the front face of your character. Then create the Motor6d again and try it.
I’m not sure what’s going on. One is I don’t know how Motor6D’s work, and 2 is when I try to make the decal on the front it just dissaperas so i dont know where to put it
You memorize the front face by the decal. It lights up a orange color and you follow that face and orient it.
A motor6d is a rig joint, and it is probably located inside the HRP. Delete the joint, orient it, and rerig it.
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