Orientation tween issue

I need the doorknob to rotate when the player opens the door. I’m using TweenService to accomplish this. When I rotate the knob in studio, it looks correct. When the tween rotates it, it rotates off the base of the knob.

Before rotation

Studio Result (how it should look when rotated)

In-game result (What my TweenService script does) (This is the issue)

(Notice how in the above image, the doorknob handle moves off of the base of the knob. It shouldn’t move, merely rotate.

Tween Goals:

local Goals1 = {CFrame = knob1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-26.956),0,0)}

I don’t know how your knob is made, if It’s many parts, or a meshpart, or an union, so…

Just keep in mind Tweens don’t rotate using the Pivot point, so maybe you could make an invisible rootpart on the base of the knob and weld it to the knob, then rotate the rootpart itself


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