Origin Position in models

I am trying to change the model Origin Position to the HumanoidRootPart Origin Position (Models dont have Position so I have to use Origin Position)

Model: image

EffClone["Origin Position"] = humanoidRoot["Origin Position"]


Did you make a part that is named “Origin_Position” I believe your referring to this PVInstance.Origin Position

You could add a part to act as the origin and set the model’s Model.PrimaryPart


Oh so I cant use Origin Position?

As you can see it says NotScriptable.

I cant change the position or this 2 parts will look broken one inside other.

I have no clue what you’re referring to. You need to explain in detail. by no clue I mean I never said you needed to change the position of anything.

This 2 parts are meshs so I want to put this inside the player character (with the humanoidRootPart Position)

Full script:

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Effects = RS.Ice:WaitForChild("IceCubeModel")

local debounce = false

local iceBullet = script.Parent

local function player_check(otherPart)
	if not otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end

	local humanoid = otherPart.Parent.Humanoid
	local character = humanoid.Parent
	local humanoidRoot = character.HumanoidRootPart

	if humanoid.Parent.Name ~= iceBullet.Attacker.Value then	

		if otherPart.Name == "Head" then

		if humanoid.Health <= 0 then
			debounce = true
			local EffClone = Effects:Clone()
			EffClone.Parent = character		
			EffClone["Origin Position"] = humanoidRoot["Origin Position"] -- I have to change here
			humanoidRoot.Anchored = true	
			humanoidRoot.Anchored = false	
	debounce = false


The model: image
this have 2 parts

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Just place a part for the player to teleport to within the model and index it you can remove it once u set the charaters HRP position

I can clone 2 parts with no model?

Not sure what you asking… But what I meant is just place another Part within the model for teleporting the character in the center

Ok I just did clone this 2 parts and works (no model)

Not sure what you mean but if it works :+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: good job

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yes it works thank you for the Origin Position info :slight_smile:

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Try this Ik its around a year late but I found this post looking for a different question
this should work just fine


and if you wanted to do vise versa

humanoidRoot.CFrame = EffClone:GetPivot()
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