Original Roblox Games Photo?

Hello everone!

Does someone know where the original design of this photo is?
I have seen many websites use this but they the photos are all different so I though that there was an original much bigger one but i can’t seem to find it :confused:

Pls let me know if I put this in the wrong category and I hope you have a wonderfull day! :upside_down_face:


What do you mean by original, like, without the experience thumbnails?

no I see many different photo’s with other games on it so i though there would be a bigger photo with more games but i can’t find it

It can be real, if the screen shoot while playing with NVIDIA things
but maybe They are not real, (If we play the game it will not happen like what we see but it can be happen if you want to)

I’m sorry, but the original design IS the original design.

This is where the original image comes from.

Roblox uses it as a background showcasing multiple roblox games such a jailbreak, heroes of robloxia, Mega Challenge, etc, in the sign up page. Old users might not recognize it because it was different back then, but this is now the new sign up background.

If you see websites with different games, it is either an old version of the background, or fan-made.

Hope I helped.

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Interestingly enough, I feel like we should get a collaboration going! What if we got our own thumbnails by going on a field trip, and made a huge collage! I’m down to go photo hunting.

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The images are real GFX based on actual roblox games, and the image itself is real, but some of this images are repeating, so I guess they didn’t make one big image, rather just placing a good amount of them in there and duplicating a few so make it seem big and work as a background.


Hello, I have traced the image to this url:

yeah but like then you have this image, thats something else from the background that you showed, so thats why i though there was 1 big image of it

If I recall correctly, this was used as part of a huge branding campaign ROBLOX launched quite a few years ago… when this was first used it was a part of a video. All of the tiles changed / were moving. I believe certain images were kept as stills for backgrounds and press/media, so you’ll see a few iterations of it.

I’ll dig around and see if I can find it when I get home.

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