Orphanage game feedback


I’m working on an orphanage/boarding school game and I was hoping for some feedback. Based on the pictures below do you feel this game would be something interesting and have an audience?


The walls feel really empty. Try adding pillars, paintings, windows or just anything to the side to break the emptiness.


Did you say Orphanage?


That is one fancy Orphanage!

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Who made the builds? 20 characters

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Looks really nice… More like a hotel… This would be a great map for a hotel game

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It was all me. The models I made in Blender 3d :slight_smile:

This game looks pretty good, however, I’d recommend makin the rooms to scale (i.e. don’t make rooms super big with barely anything in them. Make them feel more full). I also recommend you use a R6 avatar for scaling stuff up and down because some things look super large while others look smaller.

You really need to adjust your lighting. It looks extremely bland and it probably isn’t very dark at night either. Some things I recommend are:

  • Go to your pointlights, spotlights, surfacelights, etc and turn on “Shadows” in properties. This will make your game look much better.
  • Change your lighting to future.
  • Watch some youtube tutorials on lighting. If you’re trying to aim for something like Pride isle Sanatorium’s then this is a must.

Use blender to make your assets. I can tell that some of the objects in your game are most definitely from the toolbox and they either don’t fit together (example: mixing a horror themed object with something bright and cheerful), or they seem to big, while others seem too small. Free models cause a lot of lag and can contain virus’s so I’d be careful if I were you.

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Sickk are you potentially for hire?


I never use the toolbox. Everything I made myself in Blender3d :slight_smile:

I am intrigued to know which objects you feel are from the toolbox. I can zoom in on my file to prove it’s made by me haha, but I’ll take it as a compliment! :slight_smile:

I have used an R6 character to scale the doors properly, but I’ll see what else I can achieve with it. I do agree the lighting is horrid. I’ve been struggling to get it right. I’ll use your advice to fix it, thanks!

Wait a minute you AREN’T telling me they’re from the toolbox??? That’s some serious blender work you put in there! I originally thought they were from the toolbox due to how some stuff was scaled or didn’t blend in quite right (example, random gray chair in the middle of a brown and beige room). Some things I recommend you do is to make stuff to fill up the walls. Naturally, if your lighting is good enough the darkness will fill most of those spaces in but for times like the day it’s important to have some fillers to make the room feel more full, if you catch my dift.

Goodluck! I’d be happy to play test your game anytime, just let me know :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it! I will definitely play around with the lighting and fill the walls. :slight_smile:

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