[OS Game] Ruddev's Battle Royale Open Sourced

Does anyone know how to take a good picture of the map? I’m trying to update the minimap but I don’t know where I should take the picture from.


How can I take only the system with the gun model?

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does anyone know how to reset all players levels after the season ends?

Just remove everything from the datastore. This would act as a “stats reset”. Do make sure it is the correct data store! Or, if you want to have people see their past seasons, make a new datastore.

one problem when you play it the anims for other people wont load

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they just t pose [not an actual t pose just there standing menacingly]

You need to make your own animations or reupload the animations.

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nono i know you need to i did that but when you play test it you [the player] will have animations but the other players wont

Is it possible for me to isolate everything else but the movement and camera?. I just want the movement system, like the movement direction script, crouching, etc.

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I would think so, just copy over the movement scripts and camera system. Then see what else it requires.

where is the first one? i cant find it.

All you need to copy is:
1# SPACESHIP part and Effects Folder from Workspace
2# These folders from ReplicatedStorage
3# ControlScript from St.PlayerScripts and Animate script from St.CharScripts
Also your StarterCharacter (if there is, but still required) requires to have FlightForce in HumanoidRootPart and Stance stringvalue with Down Boolvalue in humanoid (just copy these from character in uncopylocked place)
EDIT: Dont forget to rename “ControlScript” that you have copied to anything else, such as “ElControleDeScriptado”. Why? Because name “ControlScript” overwrites ANOTHER script’s name, which is “ControlScript” too. PlayerModule cant find the right one

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If I wanted to make it so people could buy the battle pass for tickets instead of a game pass how could I do that?

The battle pass (If I remember right…) works off of a datastore, so once they buy it, they always have it even if somehow the game pass was removed. So just make an option for tickets, add it to the datastore and it should work. In theory…

I’ll take a look and get back to you.

I took a look and couldn’t figure it out. I know that there is a spot for a gamepass ID for the current and past season, I don’t know how I would make it buyable with tickets.

Check if it saves to a datastore.

I think it saves a value for the current pass, XPboost, level, levelxp, rank, and current season. But how do I change it from robux for the battlepass to tickets?

Just checked, turns out it does not do it how I thought it would. All you need to do is prompt a purchase(tickets) then once it goes through, make a NEW datastore value called whatever you want. (ex: BattlepassTickets) then give it a value of True. Then just add a or into this.

-- OLD
	local playerData	= PLAYER_DATA:WaitForChild(player.Name)
	if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, CURRENT_PASS) then
		if playerData.BattlePass.CurrentPass.Value ~= CURRENT_PASS then
			playerData.BattlePass.CurrentPass.Value	= CURRENT_PASS
-- NEW
	local playerData	= PLAYER_DATA:WaitForChild(player.Name)
	if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, CURRENT_PASS) *or paidWithTickets then -- paidWithTickets being your new value*
		if playerData.BattlePass.CurrentPass.Value ~= CURRENT_PASS then
			playerData.BattlePass.CurrentPass.Value	= CURRENT_PASS

Tell me if this works :slight_smile:

Make sure to give them the battle pass in the ticket prompt, but you still need to datastore it so it saves!