Hello, i think i’ve finally done enough redesigning and fine tuning to get this stable enough for a public release, so thats what i’ll be doing today.
The Osier-Framework
Osier is a framework designed to be simple and small, it handles datastores automatically after initiated, includes session locking, remote utilities, live data replication, custom events and has a specific initiation order to follow. (although it supports multi-script designs with the use :WaitForClient()
and the :WaitForServer()
I’ll be updating this more in the meantime, this is a fairly new project so I would expect unusually big changes as I figure out the best way to do certain things. (constructive criticism is good, whether its mean or nice, just hit me with any suggestions you can think of)
Thanks for reading, You can view a quick tutorial in the README and I’ve started documenting everything with the use of github wiki.
Github Repository
Getting Started
Using the Server
- add a Server Script as a child of the Server Module
-- Require the server and cache any modules needed.
local server= require(script.Parent.Parent)
local remote = server.Remote
local playerData = server.PlayerData
-- Start the player data module.
--First argument is a template for new players' data.
Coins = 0;
Inventory = {}
--Second argument is a table that specifies which values can be replicated.
Coins = true;
-- Only the server can register remotes,
-- "true" means it is an async request (a remoteFunction) rather than a RemoteEvent.
remote:Create("Test", true)
-- Handle a signal for a registered remote.
remote:Handle("Test", 2000, function(player,data, data2)
-- Print received data.
-- Get a value from the players session data. EX: their "Coins" value.
print(playerData:Get(player, "Coins"))
-- Update a players session data. EX: giving the player 20 Coins.
playerData:Update(player, "Coins", function(old)
return old + 20.
-- Check to see if the value changed
print(playerData:Get(player, "Coins"))
return "Server has finished" -- example of returning a value.
Using the Client
- add a Local Script as a child of the Client Module
-- Require the Client module and cache any other modules needed.
local client = require(script.Parent.Parent)
local remote = client.Remote
local playerData = client.PlayerData
-- Locally print a replicated session data value.
-- The servers playerData:Start() function has arguments for replicating saved values.
-- Locally invoke a remoteFunction that was registered by the server, it will yield and return values.
print(remote:RequestAsync("Test", "Hello from the client!", "Here is a second value"))
-- Check the replicated values again and see if the change replicated.