Os.time returns with negative numbers

I’m currently trying to set up a system to check how long it has been since the Player last joined the game. The output returns negative numbers, and I was wondering how to correctly figure out the number.

local Login_time = os.time() 
local TimeSinceLastSession = Data.LastLogged - Login_time -- Getting the number of seconds between the sessions

local Minutes = TimeSinceLastSession/60
local Hours = Minutes/60
local Days = Hours/24

Data.LastLogged is just the os.time() from when Player left the game.

Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 8.15.54 PM

You need to subtract the Login_time from the Last Logged in time. You have it reversed.

local Login_time = os.time() 
local TimeSinceLastSession =  Login_time - Data.LastLogged -- Getting the number of seconds between the sessions

local Minutes = TimeSinceLastSession/60
local Hours = Minutes/60
local Days = Hours/24

Thank you! I can’t believe the solution was this simple.

No problem. Anyways if you need the explanation:
os.time() returns the current time in seconds from the Unix Epoch, so this time will always be greater than the last time you called os.time(). Let’s say your Data.LastLogged time was 74340 (random number lol), now when you join the next time it’s 79823, the amount of time between will be the current time subtracted by the last time.