Other players freeze when someone joins?

Other players freeze when someone joins.

When a player joins the game, other players freeze for a while and are then teleported like the game is lagging. It only happens when someone else joins and the average ping spikes to about 500.
Important to know is that the players don’t notice anything themselves so it’s only a visual bug.

At the bottom I will provide a link to the game so you can test it out since it is pretty hard visualising it for you with screens/video’s.
As you can see the game does decently well and the like ratio is pretty high so it’s not an urgent bug but it has puzzled me for a couple weeks now.

To test, I suggest you join the game and go near a player so you can see him/her freeze when someone joins. (Another player joining should only take about 30 seconds)



This might happen as a heavy load amount of scripts are loading for said player which leads to a ping spike.


You could just add a loading screen for the amount of scripts loading in.

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