Our car modeler stole assets from games using synapse X decompiler

We hired this car modeler for his work and he gave us a few cars. Then we noticed that every car had scripts with the following message,

“-- Synapse X can not currently Decompile Server Scripts”

I don’t know what to do, Do i report him to Roblox, will i get in trouble for this?
Also @TwentyTwoPilots Sorry for this. We took a look at your game and the car models were exactly the same.


I don’t want to get in trouble for this. I deeply apologizes for anyone who was hurt by this incident. Can someone tell me what to do next?


These are not Ultimate Driving assets from what I can tell.


Oh my bad, They looked very similar.

You should report him to Roblox as he is not following the terms of use.


Yeah they do look similar (as you’d expect from a decently detailed rendition of a real life vehicle), but I spotted some differences in the level of detail near the headlights as well as parts being split out differently around the roof.

Not to mention only three of those cars are in Ultimate Driving at the moment lol


Yeah, I was confused when I saw Tesla Roadster 2.0, only game with that at the moment is Vehicle Sim. Still i am sorry to whoever this belongs to. I gave 4k robux for the job just for it to be stolen ILLEGALLY.


I think the Tesla Roadster is from Vehicle Simulator so is a few other ones probably.

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Next time, you should try finding more reliable and trustworthy people to work on the car models, there are plenty I’ve found on the devforum that can help model cars (for a reasonable price of course) and are trustworthy.

Of course, remember to report the person or ask Roblox support to notify them of the person, possibly maybe with a DMCA strike? Though I don’t usually get into those things so I can’t really justify what you need to report on.


How do I contact an admin, as support is not always reliable.

I don’t believe it is to a major point of contacting an admin to sort this out however, if you want to in the future just in case, you can contact admins by simply searching on the devforums or maybe discord? I’ve seen some roblox admins on the unoffical roblox server (confusing I know).

For this situation however, I feel contacting support will be fine as long as you can get in contact with a real person, which is the difficult part :sweat:

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Yeah that is why im hesitant of contacting roblox via email.

Their is a saying that goes," You get what you paid for" You paid 4k for somebody to make multiple cars. I say report him but defiantly higher the pay and check out his account info and feedback before hiring


Each vehicle is from a different game slightly edited. He probably uses Synapse to get into the game’s files and steal the model of the car. Sadly ROBLOX’s cheat system doesn’t recognize if a person is using programming apps in good or bad ways. And i have the right to say this since i, personally, am using Synapse and Cheat Engine to test my game’s security using different ROBLOX anti cheat systems and user made systems.
Result? Yes. Report him.


Just from the price he was willing to do it at he sounds fishy. Cars are not the easiest thing to model in any software and can easily take hours for one model, 4k seems very small.


Well first of all, fire your modeler, as he is charging you for someone else’s work. Then report him to Roblox for doing so.


I didn’t play the game for a while, so don’t quote me on this, but they seem similar to Pacifico 2 cars. READ DESCRIPTION - Roblox
Maybe these we’re stolen from there…

Indeed my friend. A full modeled car (inside and outside, even the engine and all it’s components) can go from 5k up to 14k depending on how complex the vehicle is and in the amount of time the creator had available.

This is very true, vehicles are extremely expensive, be wary of those claiming to model multiple high poly vehicles for very cheap, even models that are premade then important can be upwards of $90 USD, just for the model, before its imported.

Pacifico cars aren’t name brands. They’re remakes I believe, not similar enough.

Hey, Buddy.

I’m deeply sad that’s you’ve trusted this person into making you vehicles legitimately and paying them upfront, but they sadly took advantage of your trust and scammed you.

I urge you to report this to ROBLOX, but you should make sure you have enough evidence and eligible to get there account banned as stated in T.O.S roblox does not deal with offsite interactions involving scams as well.

Just want to point out, these vehicles actually comes from ERLC. Game linked provided bellow;


TwentyTwoPilots Also hi, omg. I literally grew up playing westover other rblx acc since I was around 9 I believe and now I’m 14. Big fan of the 'ol vers. of westover. #Westover #UD #22P
