Our game is getting crashed by an exploiter!

It’s not possible to diagnose an exploit case with barely any information.

We need information such as:

  • Console Messages (Errors and Warnings) if possible
  • Scripts in your game and what they do
  • Does your game have free models?
  • Does you game have an admin system?
  • Are all your plugins original?
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  1. Wdym by console messages what I mean is the game crashes
  2. There are tons of scripts some of them reach 1k+ sentences
  3. Probably not
  4. It has adonis
  5. We don’t have plugins

i’m helping them rn, it’s a backdoor.


Press F9 in game. it opens up the DevConsole, which is basically output but in the client. If that does not work, go to settings and scroll down until you find Developer console.

Probably not going to help right now since it may have been dealt with, but nice to know when trying to find errors ingame.

Thanks! (30 characters required)

There is already a topic on this. Exploiters crashing my servers, cause unknown. Next time before you post, research!

bruh people literally have different issues I thought that would make sense lmao

@gothicsky I highly doubt this exploit let us going to peak personal info, there no way he could have got that info unless the person clicked on a suspicious link or something. What happened when you set the entry time to above 30 days? Did it not work? Did he /shestill enter the game?

@ScytheSlayin He got his ip trough discord and he got many alts that’s older than 30 days so yes he still can also what he is using to crash isn’t a backdoor.

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I recommend contacting Developer Relations, they might be able to help you with the problems you are experiencing.

May I ask; How does one get the IP address of an individual through Discord? Unless the person clicked on any suspicious links or downloaded something from the untrustworthy source, there shouldn’t be any way they can get their information.

The exploiter could also be bluffing, have they provided proof to the individual that they have their personal information?

They can’t get your personal information unless you click or download suspicious stuff.
Things such as the email, user token, PC username, IP information could get leaked so far.

But trying to threaten people to pretend that the IP has been obtained, this is pretty common and you shouldn’t be worried as long as you use a dynamic router etc. They can’t localize your exact location anyway, but your general location.

@Sudden_Demise mentioned something of backdoors, I guess that could be one option.

Console Messages can be obtained by F9.
I hope you do know the difference between a Localscript & a Script, so make sure to check all your scripts anyway. Exploiters do have access to client-sided scripts.

Just keep your game private for a while unless the game is booming.

If none of the above options helped you out, just camp your game and ban him a few times until he gets tired. It is your game after all, thus your patience and will should last longer.

And try providing an update of your topic to let us know what is or has been going on.

Try just banning him, Eventually he will get tired of trying and will give up, about the personal infomation part he is most likely lying, as other users have said he couldn’t get personal infomation unless the person clicked/downloaded something suspicious.

Hey! This is unfortunate. If you haven’t already, turn on filteringenabled in workspace properties. This can come in handy in stopping most server sided events happening from exploits. Otherwise, your best choice is to speak to a person from roblox or try ban the user from your game.

Hello, just an FYI, FilteringEnabled is forced on all games regardless of what the property is set as. Hope this helps!

Oh, okay thanks for telling me this! I learn something new everyday…

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That does sound pretty bad. I would recommend trying to find anti exploit scripts for your game. Roblox probably won’t be any help considering they don’t read most reports and when they finally do read your support tickets days after you send them, they give you inaccurate information or just say they can’t help you. You should probably try to hire someone to make really good anti exploit scripts for your game. I know it’s pretty unfair, but a lot of the time hiring a professional would be better than just looking up a YouTube video about anti exploits. However, if they are threatening to reveal someone’s personal information, remember you can always go to the police if it gets serious.

Is your Adonis the real Adonis Admin or is it a fake botted one?

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One thing that concerned me is that nobody has asked you about RemoteEvents or RemoteFunctions. If FilteringEnabled is on, the only way an exploiter can affect the server in any way is by firing these events, and if you make sure nothing bad gets sent through those events, exploiters are literally powerless.

Otherwise, yes, you may have a backdoor in your game. Make sure the plugins you have are all safe and press ctrl+shift+f and make sure there is no script that says something along the lines of “require(324563)”. When a script requires an ID, any content can be injected into your game outside of your control and the exploiter may be taking advantage of that.

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Please read above. I was in studio on their game and removed all of the backdoors.

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I’ve seen that these exploiters use different ways to require backdoors into games.

One of them is “getfenv()” followed by random numbers. It’s to basically ‘encrypt’ the word require making it harder to find.

Ctrl+Shift+F and typing ‘getfenv()’ might also help you find one.

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They’re probably spamming some sort of Remote Event. Try looking through them and securing ones you think might be insecure.