Outdated Icons for Place Templates

Some of the place templates in studio have been revamped, but the icons for said places does not reflect said updates.

When this started occurring: Today, when the templates got updated.
Repro: Open up studio → Click on “New” → Look at place icons
Date: 4/12/2021


Thanks, the icons are similar but obviously don’t exactly match the current atmosphere, lighting, etc. We’ll take a look at updating these when we have time.


Also, on the create page for making games, the Move It simulator has a blank thumbnail.

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I think many of the icons were made around 2017 not long after Roblox changed their logo and therefore most of them (other than ones created since) were staged using Legacy lighting and the old shader. I think Baseplate and Flat Terrain were staged in Voxel pre-FIB2.5 judging by the brighter (superior in my view) specular cast onto the baseplate, and the HDR tinted skybox.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Ok, it’s been two months and nothing has happened. Can we please get an update on the status of these template’s icons?