(Outdated) iiZescah | Portofolio

Hello! I’m iiZescah, I’ve been developing sense 2016, stopped in the middle of 2017 and started again in December of 2017. I am a decent builder, although I don’t build very realistic, I enjoy building. Sometimes scripting.


I am open usually, once or twice a week for maybe one or two hours, mainly Mondays and Wednesdays.


My work

Previous people who hired me

Previous hirer's

@iiSheriffLawz - County
@iiSheriffLawz - Simulator

Current people who have me hired

Current hirer's

@Clafted - Building


  • Scripting - 10k - 15k
  • Building - 30k - 50k 20k - 25k

Contact me!

HelloItsMe_ALT#1552 (on discord)
Or contact me through the DevForum!

I am currently not open for hire as of, 7/26/19. I will make an edit to this when I am!