So I’ve been building a hotel for a while now and this is the exterior, however I would like to decorate it, any suggestions?
If you would like to help develop the hotel, please contact me.
So I’ve been building a hotel for a while now and this is the exterior, however I would like to decorate it, any suggestions?
I suggest adding clutter to it since humans as a species are messy, what I mean is put cars in the car park maybe add some garbage bags and bins outside the hotels and maybe some potted plants, but other than that you did quite well good job.
Sincerly Funkmeist123
Thank you for the suggestion, I will consider that!
The only suggestion I have for the outside is make it modern. When a player joins a group roleplay game they want it to be appealing. While your hotel does look realistic, to attract more players you should make the colors brighter, and add different textures. (Preferably not ROBLOX’s materials.)
Hope this helps and good luck!
Thank you for your feedback, I will try to implement that!
Yes, maybe I could add some plants e.g. and 3d pillars???
That’s a nice representation of a Premier Inn and differs from most hotels on ROBLOX. To add more detail you could union the windows into the wall so it’s not poking out as much. As others have suggested the younger players would rather have a hotel that’s more bright and vibrant rather than a traditional British hotel chain purely because there are young Americans, Canadians etc who has never heard of Premier Inn and would rather something more bigger.
Yes, I will start working on the colours very soon, I have plans to make a second hotel that is custom as well.
Mind you, Travelodge by 9kian was really busy all the time until it was took down.
Yes, you should watch out so you don’t breach copyright.
Cars, benches, plants, trees add more stuff and it’s too spaced. A lake?
Thanks for the suggestion I will try to add that.
Thank You very much I am adding a lake and some benches e.g. for the next update!
Then you should start on the inside, when completed I’ll sure work there or visit.
Your “Hotel” is really decent i like the material, details, and the, style your going for and i think it looks really good overall i know it will look more. Decent when the exterior is finished! i’ll try adding more vegetation. To the entrance you could try! Implementing some. Of those details to your hotel there could! Be a lot of different decorations, around the map so it could. Look a lot more better i’ll add some, details to the map area and the! Hotel itself so it won’t look empty however! The style your making is a street. Hotel they mostly have parking lots and, potted plants next to the entrance and other buildings! Implemented around the map overall it looks good!!
Know your hotel really has some details to it. However i would try adding some different kind of materials, you could always add some stone, stucco, brick, facade cladding, tiles, ect. Try adding all different kinds of materials to your hotel! And colors it will make your hotel, stand out more however the materials that’s implemented. To your hotel is very good but, if you plan on adding different kind of materials to it i, would try adding some as most hotels have! Other materials implemented to the building as, well other colors overall i think your! Hotel is very decent i would try adding some dividers, onto the hotel windows just to give, it some details to it you could try adding one straight line. One going through the windows you don’t, have to add the across dividers you could just do! Something simple instead of doing that however, i would try adding some wall lights, potted plants, bollards, biker racks, grass, umbrellas, ect. Those are what you want to add to the exterior part! And some lights implemented onto the hotel, as you can see below you just add something. Simple instead of adding a lot of stuff i would, recommend you add a couple of things. Around the hotel since there’s not much those kind of hotels need! I would also suggest you implement some buildings, stop signs, stores, and others.
Hotel Exterior
The kind of hotels your making is a (Town Hotel) these kind, of hotels don’t have that much details to it. However they mostly have potted plants, street lights, trees, wall lights, hotel sign, ect. That’s what i recommend you add to your! Hotel just to give it some more details, to it and you could try adding some other details onto. The sidewalk part such as lights, potted bushes, benches, chairs, parking signs, ect. Those are mostly in town hotels in real life as you can see the details i listed above would work for, your hotel as by looking at yours the exterior, part they could be “Street Lights” implemented in the ground. Part and some added to the sidewalk since your making those kind of hotels they! Mostly need those kind of details added to the, entrance area and then you could try adding, some potted plants on the side of. The door area just so it could get people interested to! Visit your hotel i would just mostly add, some potted plants, and lights implemented to the hotel walls. And the sidewalk area overall i see your making! A (Premier Inn Hotel) which is really good but those. Kind of hotels are more bigger, and wider, and detailed but i believe your making a different version! From that overall you have a great, piece here.
I know it’s still in progress, but it would look more better if you added details. To your hotel just to look more better, as i said above you could add some plants, trees, benches, chairs, lights, ect. and then you could add some in the hotel rooms. Just to give the rooms some decorations to it! I would also add a few other details to, your hotel to make it stand out more. Here is couple of decorations you could add to your hotel! Room if you need ideas to make it look more decent overall you, have done a amazing job on your “Premier Inn Hotel” hope to see the final build but as i said above. These are just some ideas that can, help you on adding more details to it!!
Room Decorations
As well, sorry, i gave you the room decorations those are just some details. You can add if you plan on making the rooms and, adding stuff to your hotel these are! Some i would recommend you implement to your hotel if. You plan on finishing it overall you’ve done a impressive job!!
Overall, you’ve done a great job on your "Hotel and it looks really good so far. Can’t wait to see more of work very soon, as well the final build only if you plan on adding more decor to it very soon and the details, design, you implement! To your “Hotel” it looks really amazing like the material, details, style, your going for it would. Look a lot more better if you finished it, up however keep it, up those are the decorations, details, that can help you with adding details to the rooms and the hotel itself! Aside all of that it looks very decent keep it up!!
Thank you for going in to depth and taking your time to say what you did, I will definitely follow this up and I am glad you like it.
Add some lighting and more details on the roof and walls. Looks great.
The door and glass looks kind of odd. Instead you should remove the tile glass thing and instead take the other glass part and wrap it around the corner.
Great start. The building could use a bit more attention to detail though. Try making the hotel base an irregular shape. It seems as it’s just a rectangular box. Also, for a better visual effect, try adding some lighting effects!