[Outdated] Obtaining Full Member for Dummies

Very true, some people are very desperate that they do that. Good idea to add it.

No. It can be necessary to make yourself known to them and avoiding them completely would be stupid. It can be interpreted incorrectly


What Iā€™m trying to say some people purposely go into a LTC page and starts liking there comments, not thatā€™s its bad, but it kinda gives a stalky tone.

I personally thank LTCā€™s when I see them doing a lot. By no means is it stalking, itā€™s just thanking them for their hard work. Now I can see how someone can go overboard, but the act of occasionally showing appreciation for what they do isnā€™t harmful. They appreciate it and it motivates them.


cheers for putting this out here,

It made me laugh and it had very clear pictures!!!

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LTC are knowledgeable and thus tend to have some of the best replies imo. Iā€™m not sure liking LTC replies is stalking persay.


If weā€™re gonna talk about studying LTCs and TCs, I personally would recommend checking out the following people. Besides, who doesnā€™t like seeing ā€œUser liked 30 of your postsā€?

@buildthomas - The man you want to stalk. He is incredibly active and a great guy to talk to.
@PeteyK473 and @Kampfkarren - The newest LTCs. They deserve more love.
@EchoReaper - Like Thomas, Echo is really active. He also is very informative on tips and tricks on how to better yourself.

Also, study. Donā€™t stalking. Stalking is for creeps.


Can concur on @buildthomas. Great, active, self-sacrificing guy :+1:

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Thereā€™s a certain member on the forum how contributes very well to support topics, and goes out of his way to make things as clear as possible. @REALTimothy0812 has really only ever helped me once, but heā€™s someone whoā€™s repeatedly ā€œcampingā€ in the scripting support topic being extremely helpful and clear as possible. You might not be able to answer this question, but why isnā€™t he a member if this is true?

Has Timothy introduced himself to the top contributors who would be vouching for him? Has he asked for their recommendation? Is he truly the most deserving person at that time to be promoted?


While I do appreciate your support, there are a lot of other people on the forum who are more deserving of member than me.


Requested by topic creator, as promotion to Member has now been automated.