Outdated Social Link Icons

The social links section under certain games is displaying outdated versions of the Twitter, Discord, and Roblox logos. Given that these platforms have updated their brand imagery, the current icons on the Roblox site no longer represent the most recent branding, which could potentially cause confusion and looks messy overall.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Navigate to any Roblox game page with social links enabled.
  2. Observe the social link icons for Twitter, Discord, and Roblox.
  3. Compare these icons with the most current logos available for Twitter, Discord, and Roblox.
    Notice the discrepancies between the old icons on Roblox and the new, updated logos.

Expected Behavior:
The social links on Roblox game pages should reflect the most current logos for Twitter, Discord, and Roblox to maintain up-to-date brand consistency and to meet user expectations for professionalism and accuracy.

Going to mention @skpm_plz here as I believe they work in this field :slightly_smiling_face:


Do not believe the Roblox logo is outdated.



Oh, I see, the hole in the O is bigger. Sorry!


Thanks for pinging :saluting_face: Will update when it’s fixed!


Noo :sad:, I don’t want the Twitter logo to change . The beautiful bird is going :frowning:.


Completely agree! I made a post about it a while ago, and quite a few people said it shouldn’t be changed to the X logo, but brands are brands, it needs to change :slight_smile:


Saw this feature request but felt it was more of a bug and would receive more attention if a bug report was filed. Thanks for your feature request though :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, thanks for the report! We’ve rolled out a fix for this bug, could you verify that the icons are displaying correctly now?


Sorry to disappoint, RIP beautiful bird :pray:


Discord icon still old. aaaaaa


Can confirm with @KaranBlox, Discord icon is still old, The rest seems to be fine! :smile:


Thanks for the quick fix! All of the icons are corrected now except for the Discord one which has an updated background color but still an out of date logo.

For reference, the correct logo is displayed on group pages:



its still here

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Experience detail pages display the black X logo, but group pages display the blue Twitter bird. I’m seeing the new Discord logo on both though.

The Discord logo on the experience details page is still outdated.

Icon right now:

What it should be (this is correctly displayed under groups’ social links):

Notice the differences in the edges.

Unfortunately there’s lots of places around the website where these icons are shown and sadly it doesn’t seem like they’re all stored in the same place, so they need to be updated for every single location individually. Social links under your profile are another place where this issue is present:

@skpm_plz Would you want me to file a separate bug report for the icons on the group pages?

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Oh you’re right, I just saw the dark blurple and thought it was the new logo lol.

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Is this on the Roblox app on mobile? I noticed the changes are not displaying on here yet but this may simply be because the app needs to be updated and a new version is only pushed out every few weeks. Orr it could require additional changes from engineers. @skpm_plz :slightly_smiling_face:

yes it is on the mobile app, the picture shown has a rounded icon

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can confirm the icons are now updated, finally. But for Discord, why is the background color the only thing that’s updated? It’s still the old one. And why is it at the moment, only available on the website? Maybe the social link icon changes for the app might be coming in… presumably v623?