I am trying to make layered clothing and the most common error I have is that the “outer cage extends too far”. I don’t have UGC access but I saw a youtube video of someone who does and they were able to upload without fixing this error. I want to know for sure, does this error prevent uploading clothing to the marketplace?
Even when the outer cage is almost clipping through, for instance, a shirt mesh, it is still “too far”. I have provided a demonstration image of this. I am able to clip faces through the outer cage and as long as the vertices are still outside the shirt mesh they don’t cause any intersecting issues. Intersecting vertices are very easy to fix. They are not intersecting and are still too far.
I am assuming the reason is because the distance of all vertices is averaged and any individual vert that is relatively beyond that average is flagged, even if they’re not even far away. Any confirmation on this would be appreciated.