Outfit Grabber Plugin

Ever had an itching desire to view someone’s outfits?? Perhaps use them in your game?
Introducing the outfit grabber plugin, allowing you to import any saved avatars into Roblox studio.

Get it now!


To import an outfit into Roblox studio, you first have to input the user ID/username of the player from whom you’d like to grab an outfit.


After inputting the user ID, you must press the button labeled “Grab”. The plugin will then load in the user’s avatars for you to select.

Upon hovering on an outfit preview, you will be shown the name of the outfit,
upon clicking however, the outfit will spawn in front of your camera.


Is it free? If not how much robux?

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Initially I wanted to charge 25 robux for it however the minimum is 100. Other than that it’s free

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I am planning to make a plugin which lets you get both the current avatar and the outfits, in R6 and R15

though cool plugin (is it ok if I peek in your code so I could do it)

yeah sure, it was made in one night as a joke anyways
I’d also like you to know that to access the avatar api you need a proxy. I set the default one as roproxy, however for a stable solution you’d like your own proxy server to relay the api calls.


Why do you use roproxy for requests made from user’s pc?

he already told me the answer to your question

the previous answer wasn’t really correct tbf, the reason I resorted to using roproxy is because roblox still refuses to handle api requests with HTTPservice

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Didn’t know roblox doesnt let u send requests from studio.

Sorry for the bump, but can you exclude marketplace bundles and dynamic heads? It has been cluttering it and makes it harder to find the outfit?


another thing, you might not see this but the plugin icon doesnt work/isnt loading
Screenshot 2024-07-21 130619

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Actually it is in fact the icon, sorry for the misunderstanding.