Outlander Studios - Partnership Opportunities
Go to Outlander Studios - Main Group
We greatly value and acknowledge your interest in partnering with our corporation, Outlander Studios! Wholeheartedly we take great excitement in the possibilities of two institutions can achieve together. In order to organise a partnership between both groups, you must meet our requirements (listed below, no exceptions). Prior to completing the application, you are required to send it to either the Creator or Co-Creator for reviewing purposes. Once this is completed, we will analyse and examine if we believe the group to be a worthy affiliate of Outlander Studios.
- Basic Requirements -
- MUST have at least 10,000 members.
- MUST have an active community (high traffic in-game).
- MUST be professional.
- MUST be willing to shout and participate in Outlander Studiosβ events.
- MUST have active communication with our Management Team.
- MUST have an active and semi-professional communications server.
- MUST have a good reputation (no drama, corruption, etc.)
- MUST have a public and positive overview of Outlander Studios.
- Partnership Process -
1 ] Pass Partnership Application
2 ] Management Discussion and Research (Background Checks)
3 ] Final Results
- Partnership Application Questions -
1 ] What is the name of the establishment you are requesting a partnership for?
2 ] How would you assist Outlander Studios through this partnership?
3 ] What are you looking to achieve and gain through being partners with Outlander Studios?
4 ] How many members are currently in your group?
5 ] What type of company are you? (i.e - games studio, bakery, cafe, resort, hotel, etc.)
6 ] Who are some representatives from your group that we could contact?
7 ] Please link your group, communications server and any necessary links we may need.
- Conclusion -
We truly cherish your interest in Outlander Studios! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact our Creator or Co-Creator for further assistance.