Outlast 2 School Design Feedback

Hello Developers! I have made a recreation of Outlast 2 (The school section). I think Iā€™m the first person to give a shot at this or at least make a decent enough remake! Here is the trailer and game link
Roblox | Outlast 2 Trailer - YouTube!
Outlast 2 School Remake [UPDATE] - Roblox
Also here are some screenshots of the game now. Since I have improved on the lighting!

If you do play, hope you enjoy it! :slight_smile:


This detail is phenomenal! Really spot on :smiley:

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Looks amazing, everything from the lighting to the attention to details is nailed. Carry On !

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This detail level is very balanced. So nice. Keep it up!

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Thank you for all of the support guys!
Very very much appreciated!