Outline on player

How to i create outline on player like ESP?
截圖 2023-04-12 下午6.02.12
i have no idea to create something like this.

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You could use a selection box element, which you set on the part and set its adornee to the player model itself. Does this help?

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I would prefer to use Highlights since they have a variety of customisation.

They are good for single parts but i wouldn’t recommend them for more than 3 objects for performance reasons and limitation, they have a limit of 31 objects if i remember correctly and i think this would cause problems especially when using it on players

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you can use the Highlight instance and create one into the player’s character model, for an easy start, try using this script so you can get an idea on how highlights work

        local highlight = Instance.new("Highlight", character)
        highlight.Name = "PlayerHighlight"
        hightlight.OutlineColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
        highlight.FillTransparency = 1
        highlight.Enabled = true

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