What is Output?
Output is a simple replacement to the ROBLOX Output, with smaller user interface and a dark and transparent background, shows both Client and Server logs.
How do I use it?
So you first get the source code here. You can also install it via requiring the ID and using .install(player: string).
local output = {}
function output.install(player)
local player = game.Players[player]
local output = script.output_madeByGiuyo4
local start = script.output_starting_page_madeByGiuyo4
output.Parent = player.PlayerGui
start:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui
return output
local logService = game:GetService("LogService")
local messageLabel = script.Parent.MainFrame.Output.Message
-- Another message type!!! :D (will not work in the ROBLOX output)
local function system(...)
local message = ...
messageLabel.Text = messageLabel.Text..[[
]]..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." System: "..message
local function clearOutput()
-- Clear both Outputs
messageLabel.Text = ""
local function onMessageOut(message, messageType)
-- Info
if messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo then
messageLabel.Text = messageLabel.Text..[[
]]..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." Info: "..message
-- Output
elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput then
messageLabel.Text = messageLabel.Text..[[
]]..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." Output: "..message
-- Error
elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
messageLabel.Text = messageLabel.Text..[[
]]..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." Error: "..message
-- Warning
elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning then
messageLabel.Text = messageLabel.Text..[[
]]..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." Warning: "..message
-- Checking when the output messaged
system("Made by @Giuyo4! Thanks for installing.")
script.Parent.Parent.MainFrame.Visible = not script.Parent.Parent.MainFrame.Visible
Okay looks legit. Was just a bit weird how you made an “accept the terms” message and said that it’s not to add malicious exploits to games, and then not posting the source in the original post.
Alright, thank you. By the way the text is meant to say to not use it for exploits but anything that’s normal other than a free model virus that randomly prints out anything.
Unfortunately, moderators may think this is a virus when used like this, especially since it is a message logger. It follows the exact layout as Ultimate Trolling Gui scripts.
You should instead provide the link to the module, and encourage the developer to insert it in their game. This is more secure for everybody!
Did some digging on my own. None of the code currently is harmful, it’s all as he says in the post. He could update it, so do your own research if this is in the future.
I understand. This is also a really good resource that can help someone understand the use of LogService more, including me. It’s not really a service that is widely discussed and I’m glad to see someone using it.