Output in studio can't be resized

Hi there, I am unable to resize the output bar in studio. This severely messes with my workflow and I need help with fixing this as I can’t figure it out.

I’ve tried restarting studio, undocking and redocking the output and it doesn’t help.
I’ve seen half-fixes where people collapse and resize the ui, but I want the UI to stay in the size without me having to uncollapse and recollapse it. This is an issue that’s only started for me today.

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Close it, reopen it. If that doesn’t work, you should make it float and then size it how you want.

I would suggest that you reinstall Roblox Studio since it looks like you’re having issues with the layout system and reinstalling usually resets it.

And if you are in any Roblox Studio betas then try disabling all your betas and seeing if that fixes it.

Reinstalling seemed to do the trick, thanks

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