I have a function that checks a parameter passed from a local script against folders in the players directory. If it finds it it edits the Items quantity by -1. However the output states that the folder has been found yet I get the output that the item doesn’t exist? I’m not sure if I’m just mindlessly overlooking something or not.
Here’s the output
17:01:31.702 LUFCarebest's PurchasedSpells folder contains: - Server - Newinvmanager:79
17:01:31.703 - spell1 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.703 - spell2 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.703 - spell3 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.703 - spell4 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.703 - spell5 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.703 - spell8 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:31.704 LUFCarebest tried to use an item that doesn't exist: spell1 - Server - Newinvmanager:122
17:01:34.510 Equiping item: spell2 - Client - KitSelect:88
17:01:34.536 LUFCarebest's PurchasedSpells folder contains: - Server - Newinvmanager:79
17:01:34.536 - spell1 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:34.536 - spell2 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:34.536 - spell3 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:34.536 - spell4 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:34.536 - spell5 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
17:01:34.537 - spell8 - Server - Newinvmanager:81
LUFCarebest tried to use an item that doesn't exist: spell2 - Server - Newinvmanager:122
local function handleUse(player, itemName)
local spellFolder = player:FindFirstChild("PurchasedSpells")
-- If the spell folder exists, we need to search for the item inside it
if spellFolder then
-- Debugging: Print the contents of the PurchasedSpells folder
print(player.Name .. "'s PurchasedSpells folder contains:")
for _, item in pairs(spellFolder:GetChildren()) do
print(" - " .. item.Name) -- Print all items in the folder
local spellItem = nil
-- Search through the subfolders for a StringValue called "Name"
for _, subfolder in pairs(spellFolder:GetChildren()) do
if subfolder:IsA("Folder") then
local nameValue = subfolder:FindFirstChild("Name")
if nameValue then
print("Checking spell: " .. nameValue.Value) -- Debug print
if nameValue.Value == itemName then
spellItem = subfolder -- Set spellItem to the whole folder
break -- Exit loop if the item is found
print("No Name value found in folder: " .. subfolder.Name) -- Debug print for missing Name
-- Now check if the spellItem was found
if spellItem then
local quantityValue = spellItem:FindFirstChild("Quantity")
if quantityValue then
if quantityValue.Value > 0 then
quantityValue.Value = quantityValue.Value - 1
print(player.Name .. " used 1 of " .. itemName .. ". Remaining: " .. quantityValue.Value)
-- If quantity reaches zero, remove the item from the player's spells
if quantityValue.Value <= 0 then
print(player.Name .. " has no more " .. itemName .. " left, removing it.")
warn(player.Name .. " tried to use " .. itemName .. " but quantity is 0.")
warn("Quantity value is missing for item: " .. itemName)
warn(player.Name .. " tried to use an item that doesn't exist: " .. itemName)
warn(player.Name .. " does not have any PurchasedSpells folder.")
Try replacing this section (I added a print for debugging), chances are the nameValue’s value isn’t the same as the itemName, so although it finds the correct nameValue instance its still doesn’t set the spellItem correctly.
for _, subfolder in pairs(spellFolder:GetChildren()) do
if subfolder:IsA("Folder") then
local nameValue = subfolder:FindFirstChild("Name")
if nameValue then
print("Checking spell: " .. nameValue.Value) -- Debug print
if nameValue.Value == itemName then
spellItem = subfolder -- Set spellItem to the whole folder
break -- Exit loop if the item is found
print("nameValue value is:", nameValue.Value, "and itemName is:", itemName)
print("No Name value found in folder: " .. subfolder.Name) -- Debug print for missing Name
Found the issue, basically the parameter being passed was "Spell1 " not “Spell1” It had a space so i create a trim function to remove the whitespace and it works now
I’ve now got a similar issue though and it doesnt have anything to do with whitespace
LUFCarebest does not have any PurchasedEmotes folder. - Server - Newinvmanager:101
21:00:15.652 LUFCarebest's children: - Server - Newinvmanager:103
21:00:15.652 - StarterGear - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.652 - PlayerGui - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.652 - PurchasedEmotes - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.653 - PurchasedSpells - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.653 - Data - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.653 - leaderstats - Server - Newinvmanager:105
21:00:15.653 - Backpack - Server - Newinvmanager:105
-- Function to handle using an item (Emote or Spell)
local function handleUse(player, itemName, itemType)
print("Attempting to use item: " .. itemName) -- Debugging line
local folder
-- Identify whether it's a Spell or an Emote
if itemType == "Spell" then
folder = player:FindFirstChild("PurchasedSpells")
if not folder then
folder = player:WaitForChild("PurchasedSpells", 5) -- Wait for the folder to exist
print(player.Name .. " is attempting to use a spell.")
elseif itemType == "Emote" then
folder = player.PurchasedEmotes
if not folder then
folder = player:WaitForChild("PurchasedEmotes", 5) -- Wait for the folder to exist
print(player.Name .. " is attempting to use an emote.")
-- DEBUGGING: Print the folder state
if not folder then
warn(player.Name .. " does not have any " .. (itemType == "Spell" and "PurchasedSpells" or "PurchasedEmotes") .. " folder.")
-- Print the player's immediate children to check if PurchasedEmotes exists
print(player.Name .. "'s children:")
for _, child in pairs(player:GetChildren()) do
print(" - " .. child.Name) -- This will print the player's direct children
print("Found folder: " .. folder.Name)
local itemToUse = folder:FindFirstChild(itemName)
-- DEBUG: Check if the item is found in the folder
if not itemToUse then
warn(player.Name .. " tried to use an item that doesn't exist: " .. itemName)
print("Found item: " .. itemToUse.Name)
-- If the item is found, proceed with using it
local quantityValue = itemToUse:FindFirstChild("Quantity")
if quantityValue then
if quantityValue.Value > 0 then
quantityValue.Value = quantityValue.Value - 1
print(player.Name .. " used 1 of " .. itemName .. ". Remaining: " .. quantityValue.Value)
-- Fire the update event to the player for UI updates
updateItemQuantityEvent:FireClient(player, itemName, quantityValue.Value)
if quantityValue.Value <= 0 then
print(player.Name .. " has no more " .. itemName .. " left, removing it.")
warn(player.Name .. " tried to use " .. itemName .. " but quantity is 0.")
warn("Quantity value is missing for item: " .. itemName)
Check the itemType parameter is being passed correctly. It must be the same as “Spell” or “Emote” for the folder variable to be assigned a value.
(Just add the itemType to the debugging print line to check)