Outriggers/stabilizers tweening help

I want to make working outriggers/stabilizers for a vehicle. I want it to come out and then the go down and then come back in.

Something like that:



The thing is that I don’t know anything about CFrame or vector or anything with tweening/animating objects.

How can i make this work and move smoothly all the way.

** Btw I want it to work with a clickDetector

use cframe to move the primarypart or just an union if the speed == 0

Please do not ask for entire scripts to be written. You will need to know how tweening works. Moving the rigger assembly primary part could work. Here is how to rotate a part around a pivot point. I suggest watching some youtube videos on CFrame and Tweening by AlvinBlox or someone similar.

I don’t ask for the entire script. I am asking what I have to use. I mean like CFrame, vector tweening or a combination of those so I can do more research on these and understand them better.

There are a few ways to do this, each with pros and cons. First, using tweening will only work if the vehicle is completely stationary but will be smooth and can be anchored. Next, using physics constraints like prismatic is easy to implement, but can be jerky and will be unanchored. Lastly, if you use CFrame without tweening, it can be anchored, but using loops will give a visible step size to the movement.

Yes the vehicle is stationary. I want a platform to turn 90 degrees but it doesn’t. It spins a lot then stops.

The problem is at this part:

Script. Parent :SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Hinge. CFrame*CFrame. Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0)

I am 100% the problem is there but I cant find it.

Please do not ask for entire scripts to be written. You will need to know how tweening works. Moving the rigger assembly primary part could work. Here is how to rotate a part around a pivot point. 1 I suggest watching some youtube videos on CFrame and Tweening by AlvinBlox or someone similar.