Decided to give eit a dfferent and more clear look, also added over 3,5k ports as well as nearly 1000 airports.
Hi, thanks for the kind words. It did indeed take a while. Thankfully open-source databases are available online, making all of this possible. However even with the databases, it takes a lot of time to properly format them so I can import them and translate all the information.
I’m planning on developing this for a while and possibly create some political-economical RTS around it, which I suppose might be interesting given the amount of real-time data already included.
will it be open-source? would love to learn how you did all of this, amazing btw!
Hi, for now, I’m not necessarily looking into making it open source, as I currently have some further plans regarding this project.
im just wondering, when do you think this game be released? (i’ve been begging for a new RTS game)
Lets not get to ourselves this kind of system is not an RTS! Know your genres before making comments like this.
Games like Rise of Nations are Grand Strategy games. They’re not RTS!
He stated in another post that it was a RTS game.
Not too soon, it’s a very large scale project and I’m working on it alone. I want the gameplay to be very in-depth so it’ll definitely be a matter of at least a few months.
Some people, I don’t even see how this would work as an RTS or grand strat lol. I’ll be watching to see what this comes out as.
why are we arguing over this?
kudos on the importing of data, man. incredibly impressive and i can see the resemblance to RON. also, i dont think anyone has mentioned this, but i do like the simplistic UI with the icons and all
Someone let all the reddit users in
do you just go around spreading negativity?
No?? It was an obvious joke, I obviously don’t think the dev fourm is filled with reddit users. (also gonna point out you targeted me for absolutely no reason when I was actually on the OP’s side)
Here’s the thing man you’re literally making a Grand strat this is not any kind of rts game I’ve seen ever. Please go play real rts games to see what I mean. A grandstrat that has some kind of unit control still doesn’t make it an RTS. Learn your genre
Are you seriously telling the developer of this game what his genre is?
it would be awesome if u got the ISS’s location and had a marker for it :33
I didn’t ever say it’s an RTS, you did! Just because it’s real-time doesn’t make it an RTS.
The game looks great so far! I’m looking to play it once it comes out. GL
good we’re on the same page just wanted to clear the air. I am sorry if I came strong I just happened to love rts games. You got something really good going on maybe your game can compete against RON or the new upcoming art of diplomicy game so yeah.
I tried using a light pollution map on a specialmesh for the same effect, not really high quality but yeah
It looks kinda ugly on the daytime side, but its overall neat