Over 47.5k cities on the globe in Roblox

Hello! I used CSV data from simplemaps’ database to accurately import over 47.5k real cities onto a Roblox earth.

I also added some miscellaneous functions such as the ability to view details about each and every city.

Performance isn’t the worst considering there’s almost 50k parts in such a small area, but occasional stutters occur from time to time (especially if zoomed in over Europe).

Demonstration Video

Click above to view a demonstration video (streamable, because of the file size limit on devforum)

Here are a few screenshots:

I don’t really know what exactly to do with this at this point, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know. :wink:

Yes, this is a repost, correct account this time.


This is crazy impressive!, nice work! My only opinoin would be to add some stars behind the earth, and or have them be togglable


Make it so you can click a dot and it lets you view that area. You can use something like openstreetmaps for 3d data

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this looks really similar to my earth i made with city as parts. great job!

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Oh I wasn’t really aware someone else was making something like this at the same time, just checked out your project and it is indeed similar, however to be fair I’ve been working on this for quite a bit now.


i found the city lights off toolbox, they are made of base parts and work really well! but this is WAYYY better

This is excellent! Awesome job on this! How long did it take to create all of this? It’s very cool and unique for Roblox!

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Decided to give eit a dfferent and more clear look, also added over 3,5k ports as well as nearly 1000 airports.

Updated Demonstration 2

Hi, thanks for the kind words. It did indeed take a while. Thankfully open-source databases are available online, making all of this possible. However even with the databases, it takes a lot of time to properly format them so I can import them and translate all the information.

I’m planning on developing this for a while and possibly create some political-economical RTS around it, which I suppose might be interesting given the amount of real-time data already included.

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will it be open-source? would love to learn how you did all of this, amazing btw!

Hi, for now, I’m not necessarily looking into making it open source, as I currently have some further plans regarding this project.

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im just wondering, when do you think this game be released? (i’ve been begging for a new RTS game)

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Lets not get to ourselves this kind of system is not an RTS! Know your genres before making comments like this.

Games like Rise of Nations are Grand Strategy games. They’re not RTS!

He stated in another post that it was a RTS game.

Not too soon, it’s a very large scale project and I’m working on it alone. I want the gameplay to be very in-depth so it’ll definitely be a matter of at least a few months.

Some people, I don’t even see how this would work as an RTS or grand strat lol. I’ll be watching to see what this comes out as.

why are we arguing over this?
kudos on the importing of data, man. incredibly impressive and i can see the resemblance to RON. also, i dont think anyone has mentioned this, but i do like the simplistic UI with the icons and all

Someone let all the reddit users in

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do you just go around spreading negativity?

No?? It was an obvious joke, I obviously don’t think the dev fourm is filled with reddit users. (also gonna point out you targeted me for absolutely no reason when I was actually on the OP’s side)