Here’s the thing man you’re literally making a Grand strat this is not any kind of rts game I’ve seen ever. Please go play real rts games to see what I mean. A grandstrat that has some kind of unit control still doesn’t make it an RTS. Learn your genre
Are you seriously telling the developer of this game what his genre is?
it would be awesome if u got the ISS’s location and had a marker for it :33
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I didn’t ever say it’s an RTS, you did! Just because it’s real-time doesn’t make it an RTS.
The game looks great so far! I’m looking to play it once it comes out. GL
good we’re on the same page just wanted to clear the air. I am sorry if I came strong I just happened to love rts games. You got something really good going on maybe your game can compete against RON or the new upcoming art of diplomicy game so yeah.
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I tried using a light pollution map on a specialmesh for the same effect, not really high quality but yeah
It looks kinda ugly on the daytime side, but its overall neat