Over-the-shoulder camera collision problem

I’m trying to implement a third person camera to my game, using this OTS system. However I have a small issue with the poppercam, it collides with parts, which are created by shooting a weapon. I want the camera to go through invisible/uncancollided parts by default, or at least these 3 parts I’ve tried to blacklist through the script, without success. Issue demonstrated in video:


This segment is used to blacklist parts from colliding with the camera. I tried to put a folder containing those parts there:

local folder = workspace:WaitForChild("Folder")
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character, folder}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(
	newCameraCFrame.p - humanoidRootPart.Position,

unknown (1)

These 3 parts are cloned upon shooting the gun, through this piece of code:

--this part is the orange beam seen in the video

--local bullet = Instance.new("Part")
--bullet.Name = "Bullet" 
local bullet = workspace.Folder.Bullet:Clone()
bullet.CanCollide = false	
bullet.Transparency = 1

--this part spawns on the hit position

--local bullethit = Instance.new("Part") 
--bullethit.Name = "BulletHit"
local bullethit = workspace.Folder.BulletHit:Clone()
bullethit.CanCollide = false
bullethit.Transparency = 1

--this part spawns on the gun barrel

--local bulletblast = Instance.new("Part") 
--bulletblast.Name = "BulletBlast"
local bulletblast = workspace.Folder.BulletBlast:Clone()
bulletblast.CanCollide = false
bulletblast.Transparency = 1

The parts which remain in workspace are actually see-through, but this behavior doesn’t transfer to the cloned parts. How would I make sure that the parts preserve that behavior even after cloning them?

Are you sure you’re putting everything into that folder?
To me it seems like those particles are actual parts. if you put these into the blacklist array, it should be fine

I am certain it clones the bullet parts from the folder and puts them into Workspace to disappear after 0.4s.
I actually didn’t include everything in the bullet part creation here, but I forgot to mention that it assigns the parent to the Workspace. The particles are created later on in the script.

I don’t have an answer for you but I have a somewhat of a theory, so what I believe is that the raycast has absolutely no effect in this situation, the camera module doesn’t, for the lack of a better term work with collisions, by this I mean that the module doesn’t account for collisions of different objects, correct me if I’m wrong. The camera module most likely detects nearby objects which obstruct the cameras peripheral vision, you might have to tinker with the modules settings somehow to fix this or at least try to implement the modules code in your own way. This is what I believe at the moment though, I’ll try digging into it a bit longer to find a way to solve this issue!