Over-The-Shoulder Camera System

This module is crazy good, it’s so smooth and nice looking. Very good job on it!

Note for future use
If these issues occur then read this:

If character is not in line with camera direction when strafing then set AutoRotate to false before usage.

If mouse is moving like waves when following a straight line in studio, then test again in a real server.

I had all these issues and I was so confused, so I had to give you a heads up about this.


For me, i can´t activate it in a .Equiped function in a tool. Am I the only one with that problem?

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Can we see some code, it doesn’t help if you just say “Help Me.” Most likely you’re using it wrong though.

‘aligned’ should be a bool. ‘true’ or ‘false’

Suggestion: When character align is on, could you make it toggle ‘AutoRotate’ on the humanoid so i wont have to do that manually.

The guy who made this got terminated

I found out after, shame he got banned

I found the error, i put the tool into StarterGUI… but the tool still got displayed

Man its been a while, but hey this system is still relevant. I had a question, is there a way to completely remove the modified camera sensitivity? Make it be whatever the player had before the system was enabled? Thanks!

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My camera is stuck to the corpse when the player died while using the OTS module, what do I do?

Seems like a few people are struggling with handling player death, so I’ll show you how I did it (more or less).

I have a localscript parented to the Tool includes the following code (and has the OTS modulescript as a child):

local OTS_CAMERA_SYSTEM = require(script["OTS Camera System"])
	--more code involving mouse.Button1Down event


I then have a server script running in ServerScriptService that basically does the following code:

local function PlayerAdded(player)
		local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") 
for k,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do PlayerAdded(v) end

This way, the tool will automatically unequip when the player dies, which in turn triggers the OTS_CAMERA_SYSTEM to disable when the tool is unequipped.

Now I confess that I did not test this with an exact duplicate of the above code, as my game has a more elaborate death-handling system where the player never reaches 0 health, but the above code should hopefully work in a less sophisticated game. If you test this and it doesn’t work, then I’ll make a new game and test it myself to see how to get this working.

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I’m having trouble with using CameraOffset while this module is activated. Is there a solution to that?

Is there a way to make the camera look towards the player?
The script for the camera is too extensive, so I am unable to find any lines where the direction of the camera is defined.

Please update this excellent module because it has several major bugs that have to be fixed if you want this module to be the most outstanding camera framework!

Thanks for hearing this.

The problem is his account got banned. I dont know if the Module will be updated or not

Does anybody know how to enable zooming (with the middle mouse button) in this module?

Because I really in need of it.

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when back into objects/parts the camera just shoots into the characters humanoidRootPart which makes that player completely blind, is there a way to make the camera go into the players head instead of the hrp?

You got to use require(script[“OTS Camera System”])

can you give a video tutorial it doesn’t work