Over-The-Shoulder Camera System

Is there someway to completely remove the option to zoom in while in 3rd person?

Why is this happening? Is there any way to fix it?

Anyone know how to implement this into the game? The tutorial is very vague

Thanks! It is easy to use, although I have two problems that I don’t think are that difficult to solve, although for me it would be difficult since I still don’t understand very well how the modulesScript work. My first problem is that sometimes the ModuleScript does not run (I mean the camera is not positioned); My second problem is that I want to disable the camera to be able to interact with the GUIS, but it looks bad because when deactivating it, the camera gets inside the character and I want the camera to stay where it was.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer or Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):wait()
local char =  player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait(3)

local OTS_CAMERA_SYSTEM  = require(player:WaitForChild("Backpack"):WaitForChild("OTS Camera System"))



This part is the test script, after testing a few things, I would already do the complete Localscript, but I found those two problems

Just use another module or something because this guy got banned and this module is outdated

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May I know how do you make it so that the script only activates when specific tools are equipped?

idk whats happening here. I did the whole thing properly, the modulescript is located in replicatedstorage

That is really nice, thank you alot

I have experienced a similar issue, from my experience it’s because there’s an invisible block which the camera is in.

I use the windshake module from boatbomber tho im not sure if it’s the cause

That might be the cause, you should try disabling it for a moment and testing if it will work, and if it does start working, well, you’ll get the cause.

Yeah, I removed it its still buggy

Figured with this module since the owner was banned and forgot the script for beginners to run

After i figured it out on how to add it, though it’s just a simple LocalScript figured by me
some code line were yoinked from the module itself

it works when player is added to the game
here’s what i’ve done with

local PLAYER_SERVICE = game:GetService("Players")

	local OTS_CAMERA_SYSTEM = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("OTS Camera System"))

it has 2 requires before but one was unused so i removed the old one
To make this work, it can be put in LocalScript and after the code was pasted you can put it in “StarterPlayerScripts”

also realized that Aligned to mouse settings were broken for me so i have another file that makes it work
thanks to @RazaT_D for having his place uncopylocked, this one is modified or either old version from himself
OTS Camera System.rbxm (12.7 KB)


how would I make it so it detects if the player is shiftlocking and enables the module and if not shiftlocking then disables it, I also have a chest system that sets the camera into the chest, i also want it so if the player is shiftlocking and he/she opens a chest then the camera is set to the chest, the module is disabled, then enabled after the camera is reset.

Hi there! I know I’m a bit late but, could you share the updated code you’ve been working on? I’m having trouble processing your guide, so it’ll be great if you could just share the updated code. Looking forward to hearing from you!

I cannot make it look up into the sky very well as there is a limit and when using snipers I cannot use scopes.

The creator of this post has been banned, if you scroll up a bit from this comment you will see an update version.


How would I turn off this auto character facing when the camera hovers over an object, I just want it to follow strictly the mouse

Figured it out! Just needed to do a Blacklist

I found a bug, if you tab out of a game with this script running it effectively breaks the camera and you have to rejoin.