Overhauled Roblox badges system

Add an Intern/Former Intern badge to this list, please. We used to get an in-game icon next to our names marking us as Accelerators, as well as different colored chat text. Something to recognize that we worked at Roblox HQ in college. For me it was even a graduation requirement to intern at a video game company.


Unfortunately, the post is just as a concept or feature request, so not sure what will be done, if roblox will ever do anything about this, however I added a “Former Affiliate” badge to my examples of badges that can be done, which would be given to former interns, accelerators and such. I think the current interns still get something, like the admin badge, so I’m not sure if they need something new.

I’d love to see more programs and such being given “Roblox Badges” for, or some sort of achievement, because this would just improve this old Roblox feature! I’d love to see a more modernized achievements system that would make Roblox users try and work for badges


why aren’t these used??? where did you find them too?


They’re on a hidden spritesheet in the Roblox badges. Presumably a removed spritesheet because I can’t find the original source anymore.

Dunno why they aren’t used, though.


they should definitely use these, would be cool to have more badges for your time on roblox.


Some of these ideas seem a little excessive (especially all the ones relying on buying something), but I do still agree that roblox needs more user badges (especially for user activity, since 1000 place visits are nothing to a successful developer)


How did you get these badge images?

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here it is, doesn’t take that much effort to scroll down a little :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe this was probably gonna be used for one of the knockout badges but was either changed to the star/exploding bricks or they cut an extra knockout badge.


They should be re-branded to achievements (similar to what Steam does) if this feature request is heard out, as it was briefly referred to here by OP. Some people could get confused between Roblox badges, and badges you can already earn from experiences.

A while ago I wrote a Rolimon’s article which originally revealed these unreleased badges, which is where the person you were replying to had got those from. :upside_down_face:

Nonetheless, I think OP’s feature request is valid and would be really cool to see added to the platform. Though Roblox badges have not been touched on in a decade, with more badges being deprecated and unfortunately overlooked for the amount of time that has passed since. :slightly_frowning_face:

@Ransomwavee made a good point about their obscurity in this thread.


You were the one who wrote that article?? Wow.

Also, I just found it off some Fandom page.


How would and why would people Abuse this?