Overhauled Roblox badges system

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to show some of my achievements on my profile

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would improve the overall user experience & legitimacy on the website. It would allow users to show some more of their achievements in a easy to understand way, and would motivate users to work more on their “Roblox Career”.

It would be very nice if we were able to obtain more Roblox Profile badges on our profiles, for more achievements! For those wondering what badges I’m talking about: Badges - Roblox

I think it would be nice for developers & brands to be able to obtain more badges for what they do on the platform, but also for the more “average” users that prefer playing instead of becoming a Roblox Brand figure.

I personally think, some of the old badges shouldn’t return, such as “inviter” or “ambassador” which should show gratitude to older users that obtained them, but also have some of them return!
Such as the knock out badges, which could be reworked, and modernized to work with Roblox today!

I think it would be nice to also allow groups/communities to receive Roblox Badges, somewhere on the groups page, to show all of their achievements. I think rehauling the whole system, and potentially renaming it into “Achievements” would be a nice idea and would love to see some new stuff coming out for the old Roblox badges as well!

Here’s a few badges ideas which I thought of, and would be nice to see coming:
Developer & Brands related badges:

  • Video Star (users who were a part of the video stars, this badge would show nothing but a profile badge on profiles of users that are video stars, users would keep this if their channel no longer meets the criteria, but would be removed if the users is kicked out of the star program for violating the ToS)
  • Official Brand (this badge is given ONLY to official brands, such as Adidas & other real life brands)
  • Play visits achievements 10K - 1B+ (more variants of the bricksmith badges, given to developers with high play visits count on their profile games & contributed games in groups, these could match colors of the Developer Award Crowns) - Previously a few cancelled badges
  • UGC sales achievements (including 3D accessory, Avatars, 3D Clothing & 2D Clothing + groups ales) from 100 - 100M+ sales (only for paid creations)
  • Creator Marketplace sales (plugins, audios and soon models/packages) 100 - 100m+ sales (only for paid creations)
  • Official Audio makers (users that are part of groups which Roblox collabrated with to get audios on sale. This would indicate these users sell/make audios on the website, and people can browse their audio collections to discover more sounds to use in their experiences)
  • UGC Publisher (Publish your first UGC accessory or 2D Clothing item)
  • Game Publisher (Publish your first Roblox experience)
  • Brands Collaborator (This badge would be given to Developers & UGC Creators that work with official brands)
  • Developer Forum member (This would be an easy badge, given to everybody that joined the developer forum)

Event Badges:

  • Event participation badges (each event would have it’s own participation badge which would show on the user’s profile to show that user participated in the event, separating it from user-badges)
  • Event Novice (Completely finishing one event/earning all the items in the event, excluding the paid variants)
  • Event Amateur (Completely finishing 2 or more events, same as the previous)
  • Event Master (Completing 5 or more events, same as the previous)

Limiteds Badges:

  • Limiteds Collector (Collecting 5 or more limited items)
  • Limtieds Enthusiast (Collecting 10 or more limited items)
  • Limiteds Obsessed (Collecting over 50 limited items)
  • Limiteds Hoarder (own atleast 5 of the same limited item)
  • Successful trader (complete atleast 5 trades)

Game Related badges:

  • Game Collector (Purchase atleast 3-5 paid access roblox games)
  • Super Gamer (Earn atleast 50% of bagdes of a popular game)
  • Badge Collector (Collect a lot of player-made badges, somewhere around 100 maybe)
  • Game Completionist (Earn 100% of badges of a popular game)
  • P2W Master (Purchase a lot of gamepasses in popular games)


  • Premium Badge (Similar to welcome to the club, but shows that the user had atleast premium one time)
  • Accessories collector (Collect 100 Roblox accessories)
  • Badges based on owning an accessory that’s part of an official Roblox accessory series
  • Fashionista (Create 50 Avatar outfits for your characters)
  • Photography Artist (Post over 10 screenshots of Roblox experiences on your profiles, once the gallery/recordings update is out)
  • Login streak (Log in 3 days in a row) - Previously a cancelled badge
  • First Robux purchase badge (earnt when you make your first robux purchase)
  • Bug reporters (report a crucial bug)
  • Friendship bages for 50 - 1,000 friends added
  • Former Affiliate (perhaps given to former interns, accelerators, translators, QA testers or anything similar to that, to show gratitude to those pariticipating in such programs. This should be removed from users that Roblox prefers not to affiliate with anymore/people who break the rules constantly)

I understand that Roblox has a more corporate approach nowdays, however, I believe including more official achievements that users can earn on the platform would be a nice way to re-integrate an old unused feature, which would also play an important role for those that want to share their achievements on the platform and even help developers find creators to work with based on their achievements.

I encourage other users to leave their opinions down below & talk about which of the badges they think should be included, or shouldn’t be included OR even point out some unexpected outcomes.
Let me know if you think this would improve the overall Roblox experience or no.

EDIT: added the “Former Affiliate” badge to examples of badges roblox could add


I am not a fan of this. It endorses people to spend more money in things they might not really need just to get a badge (and trust me that’s a lot of them)

Generally, I don’t like the idea of having to spend money for the sake of getting a badge on a profile. I am in favor of the game-centered and social ones, with the exemption that this

can be easily obtained from badge collector games.


lowkey this is a great idea, being able to display badges on your roblox profile page really allows for profile customisation and to show off hard-to-get badges from popular games.


I think this is a great idea, the official badges have been pretty abandoned and it would be nice if they could finally do something with them.


There are quite many abusable badges to be honest.

These are extremely easy to get and thus breaks the purpose of a badge.

Not every popular game has a hundred badges. It would be better to make it as:
Badge Collector (Earn 200 badges)
Super Gamer (Earn 1000 badges)
Game Completionist (Earn every single badge for 100 games)

Again, easily exploitable and useless.

Breaks the purpose of a badge.

Ruins the purpose of a badge again.

I know most of the time people exploit badges by having “You played” badges and all that but at least don’t do the same for official badges, let them be hard to get and unique and fun.


There’s quite a few “easy to get” badges in there, because there’s people who might find a hard time earning other badges, and they should also feel rewarded, we had in the past combat initiation and friendship badges, which both were very easy to get.
Not every badge has to be hard to obtain, so everybody can get a taste of achievement.
I do agree that some of them might be “exploitable” and “abusable”, but a refined overhaul, would come with ways to improve and make sure these badges are obtained legitimately. Badges were always abusable, since all the KO badges could’ve been obtained by using guests in-games to help you obtain KOs. Same could be said about the visits.

Unfortunately there are and will always be all sorts of bad actors that will abuse Roblox features, however, this doesn’t mean Roblox should stand in place because of them, and which is why I talked about an overhaul of the system. I’m not a Roblox engineer so I don’t have solutions to all of these problems, but if Roblox ever decides to take this into consideration, I’m sure they will find a few ways to fix these problems!

I can see why people would hate pay to win badges though lol, but thought it’s a fun idea to include!


You are not wrong, but the ones you mentioned seem extremely easy to obtain and require bare minimum work.

Game Publisher badge is already automatically awarded due to the default place that comes with every account.

UGC Publisher could be a new badge as it’s not super easy so I’ll let it slide.

The “gamer” badges suck, it’s better if they don’t work on X amount of game completed.

Fashionista badge seems a bit useless though but it’s not that abuseable if we talk according to your standards.

The last 2 badges I mentioned aren’t good at all, I am against them.


I think it’d be cool if you could choose which of the badges you got to display on your profile, so if you’re a pro gamer you can show off the hardest badges that you’ve gotten.


I think the gamer badges would be nice, for those that like to play more than anything else, but their functionality could either be identical or different from my idea, it’s all just what I thought would be good, and I agree that some of them could be changed to work in better ways

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Honestly I like that too, choosing to enable/disable which badges you show out of your earnt badges would be cool. Maybe also allowing users to only display a few, in a custom order, but others could also be shown through a “Show all” button

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I wish it was possible to disable recently achieved badges



There are actually unused badges for visits, how long you’ve been on Roblox, and some unknown ones.






It’d be lovely to have more Roblox badges. It seems too desolate in there.

There should be a premium badge too [similar to the Builders Club badges]


we should be able to pin badges too.

these look awesome and are great ideas! I hope Roblox uses these someday

(except the last two)

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the last two are from old roblox and were from never used, i particularly don’t like them either

im surprised roblox actually HASN’T added event badges though

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Does roblox read feature requests, if so i really hope something happens with this
Great idea


The contrast in style between the older Roblox Badges and newones is night and day. The earlier ones look lively and colorful while the new ones look flat and cold.


I would say it sounds a little targeted ngl :eyes:


that’s not on purpose lol, didn’t mean to target anybody but would be nice that people who post audios also get some sort of badge of their own!

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Doubt this would be in any priority list at Roblox. If anything, I’m surprised Roblox badges aren’t already deprecated with how neglected they’ve been (their design language matches the 2016ish one lol).